Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

It’s Danvers that’s the problem.

Character no one really liked forced to the forefront!

Jumping a sinking ship?

Getting shafted by Disney by getting her Solo movie took away from her?

I’m kinda warming up to Brie. She’s not running her mouth a lot these days.

Refusing to answer arkward questions by reporters.

She still got time to salvage her career and she’s pretty good actress.
Yeah, I've warmed back up to Brie, thought she was great in Room originally and she does actually put a bit of effort into her physique to play the role. I do think she never fitted in with the rest of them though which didn't help.

Certainly, at the moment, The Marvels is going to be a massive bomb for Marvel.
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The issue is that captain marvel was popular for one reason and one reason only. It came out right before end game. That's it. People wanted to make sure they understand everything so watched mcu movies back then, but most importantly movies close to pre end game time. Infinity war was so good, the excitement for end game and desire for more was so strong.

This has disillusioned Disney, thinking that captain marvel was successful because people actually wanted to see her movie
The issue is they thought they could make any side character they wanted a massive film. Some get lucky some don't. Most people don't read comics or care about them. The actual pool of Marvel heroes anyone cares about is tiny. Iron Man was one they got lucky with. Captain Marvel not so much. Same as DC, outside of Batman does anyone ever really care?

Star Wars is an odd one to me. Pre-Disney all the hate was directed at George and his prequels that where picked apart with at least as much venom as the sequels. Not by me, I've long argued the prequels are fine and ROTS is the best SW film. Now on various media channels it's all hate to Disney destroying George's legacy, a legacy 10 years ago they moaned he destroyed. I see so much positivity for the prequels now and wanting George back etc etc. So many claiming the EU was this amazing master piece of writing. It wasn't, 90% of it was pretty poor. I read and owned them all and in hindsight there was probably about 10 worth reading. Same with the original films, there's a ton of guff that would be picked apart by today's standards. But back them YouTubers where not making a ton of money from hate watching.

I think the new films hit at the wrong time, the peak Marvel era with all the action and hooked a couple of generations of kids. I don't see them recovering that now without a re-boot in 10 or so years time.
Star Wars is an odd one to me. Pre-Disney all the hate was directed at George and his prequels that where picked apart with at least as much venom as the sequels......................................Now on various media channels it's all hate to Disney destroying George's legacy, a legacy 10 years ago they moaned he destroyed. I see so much positivity for the prequels now and wanting George back etc etc.

I think it's the "in hindsight" comparison, where the PT only had the OT to be compared against, and thats why its was derided so mcuh, where as the new Disney ST has shown that the PT, when compared to the Disney stuff, actually wasn't that bad after all :)
This has disillusioned Disney, thinking that captain marvel was successful because people actually wanted to see her movie
I don't think disney are delusional about the (lackof) popularity of Captain Marvel. They were rebooting her comic series more often than normal before the film came out because it wasn't gaining traction (Probably why the put her movie when they did) and the rumour has always been that there were two cuts of Endgame. The one we got and another one were Captain Marvel play a bigger role in the film.
Don't get the hate tbh, really enjoyed captain Marvel.

Most people just found her to be a fundamentally unlikeable character in a bang average film. This was also around the time when studios were on their "if you don't like our female led film then its because you're a sad little misogynist" march which didn't help with any kindness towards what was an OK marvel film at a time when many of them were great.
I've mentioned this previously but I really do feel a little sorry for Brie - she's been stabbed in the back by Disney/Marvel after she was supposed to lead the entire MCU (straight from Feige) and yet is now a third wheel in her own sequel, she's been left to fend for herself on social media with no Disney/Marvel support, she's not had any success since Cpt Marvel with her smaller indie films and she looks generally fed up with it all - I'm sure with hindsight she may have chosen a different path if she knew how things would've turned out for her.
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Might want to actually watch the episode if you believe that to be what they are saying:

This is not, in other words, some slam dunk on Disney or a massive attack against Kennedy, who is treated as a sympathetic character in the end. Again, this is what makes South Park effective. They get the jokes in, they do the satire, but they show how it’s also pretty complicated and there are people complicit on both sides. That’s how culture wars work. We all get blood on our hands in these stupid fights.
Uh… thinking the episode is ‘slamming Disney’ is a rather narrow take. All of their stuff on this is quite balanced and it criticises ‘both sides’.

… it’s not insignificant that the person who is materially bothered by Disney, and worried that Disney executives are hiding under his bed, is Cartman :o :p
Have you watched it?

Have you?

Do you think that the fictionalised version of KK, who realises her mistakes, acknowledges them to the public and changes her viewpoint, is an actual realistic avatar for the real KK who South Park are genuinely trying to show in a sympathetic light, or is it far more likely that South Park is still skewering KK by showing "this is what we think would happen if KK was a better person.......................but it won't, because she isn't".

Only time will tell if their satirical take on KK in the future is accurate but, based on her actions in the past, does anyone REALLY think the "humanised" version of her shown at the end of the South Park episode is going to accurate to the real KK in the future, someone who publically acknowledges mistakes and changes her viewpoints?
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