Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

But there are plenty in this thread that need Disney being awake to be their enemy and seem almost desperate to tie Disney stock entirely to this. Look at apex and c Kents history and you'll see.

Being awake has been Disney's enemy - not mine.

They're crumbling because their movies and TV shows are crap, a timeline which correlates the mass insertion of DEI into their output. Covid didn't force them to ruin Marvel, that was their own choice, they made bad decisions in every aspect of their planning and execution, one of which was pandering to people who actively set out to bend them to their will and hated the percieved traditional values the 100 year old company stood for. Now they are reaping the whirlwind of their own weakness, stupidity, and short-termism. Rather than fight the activists, they caved in to them and let them run the company.


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There's many reasons. Like I pointed out, covid caused an issue with their parks. Merchandise naturally takes a hit too. Poor performance from marvel movies now end game is over. There's a whole host of reasons that have chipped away at their stock price.

Their parks are making profit.
Their merchandise is making profit.
Most of their sub-companies are making profit.
Disney as an overall entity is making profit.

With these results (again, Year on Year Disney profit is up 7%) the share price "should" be increasing, however its been tanking over the last 3 years instead and yet the board are saying the opposite is actually true, and so investors are staying away fearing a collapse because of the boards mixed messaging. Anyway, it feels like I'm repeating myself constantly here so, as my point has been made several times, I'll just stop.
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Their parks are making profit.
Their merchandise is making profit.
Most of their sub-companies are making profit.
Disney as an overall entity is making profit.

With these results (again, Year on Year Disney profit is up 7%) the share price "should" be increasing, however its been tanking over the last 3 years instead and yet the board are saying the opposite is actually true, and so investors are staying away fearing a collapse because of the boards mixed messaging. Anyway, it feels like I'm repeating myself constantly here so, as my point has been made several times, I'll just stop.
it's very simple in my view. you've taken a 3 year view (limited i assume to 3 years as that's when the stock price started dropping) and made a valid point. i'm not denying that disney in those 3 years would have been a bad investment, as would have been the case for many other companies. i then say to show the stock price again but go back further to get a bigger and a better understanding of the issues disney faces.

then when you read this thread you see how users love to jump on "it's because disney had a guy kiss a guy in one scene", but ignoring the 50 factors that have been an issue for disney.

essentially disney could very easily continue being just as awake as ever, if not lean more into it, and their stock price could very easily improve, as grown men being scared of a blue haired black mermaid is not the reason their stock is dropping like it is.
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essentially disney could very easily continue being just as awake as ever,

On a completely different matter, I've seen people use "awake" a lot recently but its usage is new to me, so for clarity is that meant to be the opposite (non-negative?) version of being "woke" or am I thinking too deeply there? This isn't to poke fun at its use but to clarify for myself its intended use.
On a completely different matter, I've seen people use "awake" a lot recently but its usage is new to me, so for clarity is that meant to be the opposite (non-negative?) version of being "woke" or am I thinking too deeply there?
Woke brigade trying to reclaim the usage into something positive rather than the mockery the phrase evokes these days
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On a completely different matter, I've seen people use "awake" a lot recently but its usage is new to me, so for clarity is that meant to be the opposite (non-negative?) version of being "woke" or am I thinking too deeply there? This isn't to poke fun at its use but to clarify for myself its intended use.

it helps to draw out the cokroaches from the woodwork so that they make a fool of themselves. not you, but some people just can't stand things like this, or the dark brandon thing. look how "let's go brandon" has dropped dead now. similar idea

Woke brigade
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it helps to draw out the cokroaches from the woodwork so that they make a fool of themselves. not you, but some people just can't stand things like this, or the dark brandon thing. look how "let's go brandon" has dropped dead now. similar idea

Still waiting for you to find a post of mine blaming disney's falling share price solely on their **** woke output. I take it the lack of a response is just proof of your usual ********.
Someone trying to argue that Disney being woke is only part of the problem? But we been told for years on here that it wasn’t the problem.
So are you anti LBGTQIA+?

Are you? Honest question as I can only see you "having a go at" someone who is celebrating the positive results for LGBTQIA+, whether its sarcasm from them or not. I mean you aren't posting positive LGBTQIA+ news and I've only seen you having a go at those who do? As people on the web are fairly anonymous I have no idea what you believe, other than what you post, so you could be LGBTQIA+ for all I know, which would then surprise me when you have a go at those posting good news because they've highlighted it in a way you didn't like.

I know if I was LGBTQIA+ (which I'm not) I'd probably use Bigpigs post to show the positivity of that result, to strip that post of what I might perceive as negativity (you called it sarcasm) and swap it around "Hell yeah thats great news!!! I mean 15 years of treating people decently, irrespective of their sexuality/gender is something they should be proud of and to get a perfect score this year is fantastic. Hopefully this continued effort towards treating everyone with respect will long continue." etc - yeah I'd probably write something positive like that, you know celebrating Disney's LGBTQIA+ acheivement.
someone who is celebrating the positive results for LGBTQIA+
I missed this part. Can you post that bit?

If you were mistaken and the person wasn't delebrating the positive results for lgbt, would that change the rest of your post and your response to someone, especially as if they aren't celebrating the positive lgbt results, but in fact, celebrating the Disney view continuing positive lgbt positions as a problem and will now reduce and go further back with their lgbt support, is that not a really restrained post from miss chief?
I missed this part. Can you post that bit?

Here you go, I know reading is hard at this time of night.

Woo hoo go Disney

and for the context that you left out of my post, just to be absolutely clear in what I was saying -

Are you? Honest question as I can only see you "having a go at" someone who is celebrating the positive results for LGBTQIA+, whether its sarcasm from them or not.

Which leads on to an answer for this part -

If you were mistaken and the person wasn't delebrating the positive results for lgbt, would that change the rest of your post and your response to someone, especially as if they aren't celebrating the positive lgbt results, but in fact, celebrating the Disney view continuing positive lgbt positions as a problem and will now reduce and go further back with their lgbt support, is that not a really restrained post from miss chief?

Absolutely not and I said that in the post above, very, very clearly. My entire post would be completely unchanged because I see the positive in a story about the LGBTQIA+ community being treated with respect, rather than being negative about it because I don't like the person posting the story, buts thats just me. Hell, would either of you pair even know about this positive newsstory if bigpig hadn't posted it in here?

I missed this part. Can you post that bit?

If you were mistaken and the person wasn't delebrating the positive results for lgbt, would that change the rest of your post and your response to someone, especially as if they aren't celebrating the positive lgbt results, but in fact, celebrating the Disney view continuing positive lgbt positions as a problem and will now reduce and go further back with their lgbt support, is that not a really restrained post from miss chief?

I'd be very, very interested to see any single news report where post where Disney have said that they see "continuing positive lgbt positions as a problem and will now reduce and go further back with their lgbt support" because, personally, I think you just made that up attempting to prove a point, and without a link to a press release or similar backing up your claim I'm going to ignore something that is quite obviously made up. However, to give you a chance just incase I'm wrong, if you can produce the Disney statement that says they think of positive LGBTQIA+ (the full name BTW rather than your more dismissive "lgbt" which ignores and marginalises Queer, Intersex, Asexual etc I notice - starting to see a trend I think) positions as a "problem" as you posted, and that they will now "reduce and go back" on their LGBTQIA+ support - Well when you post that press report I'll apologise in the biggest font allowed here for everyone to see, just to be fair.

BTW, I also noticed misschief's "thumbs up" for your post, but yet they still haven't said nothing positive about Disney's LGBTQIA+ results, whilst both myself and bigpig (who I'm quite sure are considered "bad" in some way by misschief and others) have mentioned it in a positive way a few times now. I mean I just find it odd that they had the time to view/read the later posts and interact with them but still chose to keep quiet on a positive LGBTQIA+ story.

Amyway, thats a large wall of text for such a late hour.

I noticed you said their parks are making profit. Whilst this is true their footfall is down in a big way. So they upped the prices to make up for the loss. They are now cutting costs and offering discounts because people can’t afford to go!!

The problem is much harder to pin point.

Being heavy into politics is just 1 issue more of a minor one. **** movies will have bigger effect.

They are facing some extremely heavy competition from Universal studios. Who now have the best rated theme park.

I believe the raise of Universal as sparked Disney to panic into throwing hundreds of millions into upgrades.

It also goes to show how much healthy IP’s matter. Universal have Harry Potter and Epic in their back pocket which seems to be printing gold atm.
Are you? Honest question as I can only see you "having a go at" someone who is celebrating the positive results for LGBTQIA+, whether its sarcasm from them or not.

Are you really trying to say that Bigpig’s post WAS a celebration of Disney’s achievements? In this thread?

… and/or at the same time saying it must still be considered a post of a “celebration” even if it was actually sarcastic?


As from his clarification:

2 things

1. None of your business.

2. I agree with the CEO of Disney that they have been concentrating on the messaging more than storytelling and not delivering the best product to paying customers.

… it’s clear that the original ‘woohoo’ post was being linked to this ongoing critique about Disney’s messaging (as set out in 2. above).

Flipping that around onto Bigpig being a ‘champion’ of this sort of thing, and inferring that others are not, as per this:

BTW, I also noticed misschief's "thumbs up" for your post, but yet they still haven't said nothing positive about Disney's LGBTQIA+ results, whilst both myself and bigpig (who I'm quite sure are considered "bad" in some way by misschief and others) have mentioned it in a positive way a few times now.

… is disingenuous.

Edit - bah I really don’t like making posts like this as they make me feel awkward, but this ‘us vs. them’ stuff was just getting silly so I had to say something.

For balance and fairness, @MissChief could have instead asked why this news was relevant to the thread, but I’m also not surprised he/she asked Bigpig that question when it’s posted amongst Bigpig’s usual barrage of Disney being terrible (and no additional commentary was initially given as to why it was posted). Nobody that has been following this thread would immediately think that Bigpig was posting this as ‘good news’ but there was some scope to clarify this in a more investigative (and therefore less confrontational) manner.
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