Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Can’t help but have the Undertaker theme tune in my head

The force is female

The force is dead

Another fail coming

Tom boy women making a film that appeals to 5% of the population will complain when it flops and blame men just like they blame men for women's sports not being profitable when women's sports appeal to 5% of the population

How about making a movie women actually want to watch. We know these people can't make movies men want to watch and they make movies women don't want to watch either, and then blame men. Men are at fault for everything, nature's punching bags

These tom boy directors don't want to make a Barbie, they only want to make an Oppenheimer and replace all the male characters with females and then women won't watch it because they don't like the genre and men won't watch it because they sex swapped all the characters and then they will blame men when it fails financially

But these movies keep getting made because debt is cheap and these obvious high risk low return projects keep getting approved to meet quotas - it's called malinvestment
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So the last two things she directed were tv episodes for: Fundamental.: Gender Justice. No Exceptions. (5 episodes) and 2 episodes of Ms Marvel lol
Have we really reached the point we're getting outraged when directors are female now?

It should be possible to celebrate having a female film director and simultaneously not want a film with ‘an agenda / messaging’.

Female director does not necessarily mean ‘bad’ - FYI Mando series 1 had a couple of episodes directed by a woman. It doesn’t necessarily mean ‘good’ either. But going from nil female film directors in the series to having just one is fair enough for some people (including said director) to be proud of, no?

Not really sure what her ethnicity has to do with anything either. But granted, she is an activist - will that come across in the films? I expect so to a degree, but again that doesn’t necessarily mean bad either. We’ll just have to wait and see.
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Her track record with fiction isn't great, a few unknowns and ms marvel mini series of 2 episodes.

So I'm not entirely sure Disney have made the right decision, I'm surprised they've chosen someone whose skills are in documentaries with a franchise as important as star wars.. that being said J.J Abrams and Rian Johnson with their track records didn't do the greatest of jobs with the franchise, so maybe someone completely left field is what they need.
As a side tangent from my evening’s reading, what do the aficionados think of the Ewoks movies? I always forget these exist… but George Lucas was involved so they are ‘canon’ I guess?! Have never seen them myself!
There's lots of successful female directors, no-ones complaining about them, so why are people complaining about this one do we think - maybe its over what she said, which is very divisive in today's climate, rather than what gender she is - shocking I know :eek:


It took me way too long to figure out that was also the image of a "Strawman" as I couldn't figure out the relevance to the quoted post and a scarecrow, doh! :D
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As others have said, I honestly don't believe that anyone really has an issue with a female in control, or as a lead.

The issue is when someone in such a major control of a film or franchise, leads with a particular view instead of the story/film itself, usually end up letting everyone down by forcing their particular message/view as the primary focus instead of a good story/film; never producing anything of note (on their own) as of such as their message/view needs to come first instead of a good story/film, leading to the detriment of the story/film (as other conflicting issues are dropped in favour of their view/message based story/film). And when it inevitiably fails as of such, people defend it and try to blame x, y, or z (or a combination of those letters) as the problem instead of the failure of such leads (which is not limited to females clearly, but females are always crowing about it and inevitiably fail need to eat it after).

I would be pleasantly surprised if something decent comes out WITH a strong view/message from the forefront of a creator/actor. But, history is not betting on that happening.
Let’s face facts. Women haven’t got a great record when it comes to large budget action films!!

They normally have to hire a man to help out:D when you leave them to their own devices they tend to make a crock of ****

And no the Wachowski‘s don’t count
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