Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

A woman saved the original star wars in the editing room, the empire first script was written by a woman, and there are have always been some strong female characters in the films.
The problem is that the modern take seems to be doing it at the expense of story/quality - they more they harp on about how progressive they are the worst the film/show seems to be - just make quality and people will watch it.
Its a problem with a ,ot of modern blockbusters - they are making crap and saying its progressive (when they generally aren't anyway). General audiences dont care, they just want entertaining content.
There is a great YouTube video explaining how StarWars was saved in the cut I think it has been posted before but if I find the link I'll add it. You can see how it went from a fairly typical 70's sci-fi to a much tighter and more powerful story just by clearing out the weak elements and changing the timeline progression. No doubt Lucas was filming stuff to see how things worked before he'd finally settled on his story.
A woman saved the original star wars in the editing room, the empire first script was written by a woman, and there are have always been some strong female characters in the films.
The problem is that the modern take seems to be doing it at the expense of story/quality - they more they harp on about how progressive they are the worst the film/show seems to be - just make quality and people will watch it.
Its a problem with a ,ot of modern blockbusters - they are making crap and saying its progressive (when they generally aren't anyway). General audiences dont care, they just want entertaining content.

Exactly, I dont have a problem with who makes the films or be in charge of the franchise. Just try to do a good job and be faithful to the source material. Dave Feloni has demonstrated it's possible. The whole Rey saga ignored all that. Suddenly lets just kill off everyone (cheaply) and pointlessly and then make our own characters. Bugger the story or even a plan and just make up any old nonsense as we go along. It's not like there a lot of material to work with built up over the last 30 years ???!!! While we are it let's bring in these all divisive topics that frankly have no place in a movie. Cant they just stick to the core elements that made this franchise a success and make it fun and enjoyable. It's crazy. Disney couldn't have messed it up more than they did with the whole Skywalker saga.

My biggest concern now is they bring Luke's original story which they shelved and replace him with Rey. Atrocious how they treated the OG.
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Exactly, I dont have a problem with who makes the films or be in charge of the franchise. Just try to do a good job and be faithful to the source material. Dave Feloni has demonstrated it's possible. The whole Rey saga ignored all that. Suddenly lets just kill off everyone (cheaply) and pointlessly and then make our own characters. Bugger the story or even a plan and just make up any old nonsense as we go along. It's not like there a lot of material to work with built up over the last 30 years ???!!! While we are it let's bring in these all divisive topics that frankly have no place in a movie. Just stick to the elements that made this franchise a success and make it fun and enjoyable. It's crazy. Disney couldn't have messed it up more than they did with the whole Skywalker saga.

My biggest concern now is they bring Luke's story which they originally shelved and replace him with Rey. Atrocious how they treated the OG.
you CAN make a diverse film thats good, but it requires good writers who put the story first - something they dont seem to have.
Someone at disney clearly thinks they can make money this way but i think they are pandering to an audience that is too small to make them the money they need to make it worthwhile. Billions of dollars are on the line and they dont seem to have any idea what they are doing.
you CAN make a diverse film thats good, but it requires good writers who put the story first - something they dont seem to have.
Someone at disney clearly thinks they can make money this way but i think they are pandering to an audience that is too small to make them the money they need to make it worthwhile. Billions of dollars are on the line and they dont seem to have any idea what they are doing.
Think you might have misread my post. I have no problems with diversity but why bring divisive topics into the mix. Can t we just just leave all that RL stuff at the door and stick to what made SW popular?
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I missed this video. If thats her attitude then the movie is destined to fail before a single shot is taken. Reality is if you bring that type of negativity then its no longer about the movie, the focus particularly for some will be on her. Does that mean she going to deliberately make a movie to **** men off?? That a crazy thing to say considering that roughly 2/3 fans are male. So the concern will be her main focus isnt to make the best movie for SW but the best movie for something else? Surely that won't be case and Lucas film KK have learnt from past mistakes. Could their track record be any worse.
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Her argument makes no sense. She said that I should feel uncomfortable because it's my fault I enjoy a film and I need to change to enjoy her film. Judging me for something I'm not doing is a really bad way to turn your film into a bigger flop that Ghostbusters.
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I’m sure Disney will make sure there’s plenty of executives on set to keep her on the straight and narrow with Disney’s core beliefs.
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Not that I think that the film will do well, but I think the video above is being taken out of context for easy clicks.

It's 9 years old.

So what she was doing back then was Non fiction work, with her work at the time being a documentary about a Pakistani girl who survived an honour killing attempt. So yeah, I imagine she DID want to make men uncomfortable watching that.
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Yeah, both sides of this coin are happy to be disingenuous to points score against the other side. Make a good film and most people will enjoy it. Some won't but who cares. If you make a film you can defend on its merit then you don't have to worry about the weird extremes on the left or right of the political spectrum.
It's 9 years old.

So what she was doing back then was Non fiction work, with her work at the time being a documentary about a Pakistani girl who survived an honour killing attempt. So yeah, I imagine she DID want to make men uncomfortable watching that.

Oh ******* hell....

I retract my statement, bring back bell-end Johnson.
Read the context Montymint posted on this. It was a film that should have made men uncomfortable. This is entirely different and, to my shock and surprise, many are taking it completely out of context.
Not that I think that the film will do well, but I think the video above is being taken out of context for easy clicks.

It's 9 years old.

So what she was doing back then was Non fiction work, with her work at the time being a documentary about a Pakistani girl who survived an honour killing attempt. So yeah, I imagine she DID want to make men uncomfortable watching that.
So women should feel comfortable watching a film about honor killings? :confused:

Surely the goal should be for people to feel uncomfortable watching the supposed program, it makes no sense to single out one gender.
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Shamikebab said:

Have we really reached the point we're getting outraged when directors are female now?

Some have, yes.

So women should feel comfortable watching a film about honor killings? :confused:

Surely the goal should be for people to feel uncomfortable watching the supposed program, it makes no sense to single out one gender.


Of course documentaries concerning attacks on and the honour killings of women by men, which are the documentaries she won awards for, are going to have a goal of making certain men change their attitudes towards women. Of course a director passionate about these issues will enjoy making men specifically feel confront these grim realities.

She explains her intentions at the end of the clip.

That is not, in anyway, suggesting that women should be ‘comfortable’ on these topics.

Of course documentaries concerning attacks on and the honour killings of women by men, which are the documentaries she won awards for, are going to have a goal of making certain men change their attitudes towards women. Of course a director passionate about these issues will enjoy making men specifically feel confront these grim realities.

She explains her intentions at the end of the clip.

That is not, in anyway, suggesting that women should be ‘comfortable’ on these topics.
Its not a strawman the question is to get people to think whether or not it make sense to single out one gender as I stated in the subsequent sentence (The sentence you ignored). Nice try though.

As far as I am aware, while it is men who actually perform the killing, women in the family can in some instance agree with and or support it. It may or may not be a rare thing but I believe it can happen. (I seem to remember a british case where the mother supported/aided in an honour killing and was jailed for her role in it)

It makes more sense to me that, anyone who supports honour killings regardless of gender should be made to feel uncomfortable about it. Maybe that doesn't make sense to you, that's your business but you haven't made an argument to support that.
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