Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

It’s “announced” just means somebody somewhere is maybe thinking of possibly developing a script for it.

It’s likely something else that’ll never see the light of day. Though I’ve seen people suggest that this might just be S4 of Mando and condensed into a film so they can release it at the cinema and actually make money from it (lol).

Streaming looks to a busted flush for revenue so we might actually see more of this sort of stuff.
Going into production later in the year apparently, given that you'd assume the script is developed or pretty much finalised. I never bothered with s3 after it became the bo katan show but I gather s3 wrapped up loose ends of the tv show so it wouldn't surprise me if this is instead of season 4.
I think Mando is a good reflection of Disney’s approach to Star Wars and Mavel as a whole.

Some risks taken with mixed results (YMMV) but then default back to safety and ultimately undermined by ‘too much’.

S3 of Mando was just ‘noise’. You could skip it and not miss out.
Does Disney know what a quality film is these days? It easy for them to look at the box office and say this isnt working anymore but they are still the ones that put these film and shows out.
Then, right at the end is one of the props that I never thought I'd see up close. It's one I want to build a version of and have for a long time. Now I've seen a real one, I want one more than ever. Hell, I want the full costume now... It's the Rocketeer's helmet.
Are you writer or something? What’s with the tease. :p
Ive just started to watch Ms Marvel and Ive got to say despite not seeing any girl on girl or boy on boy action yet I am still quite enjoying this show.
They arn't that stupid, at least not yet. Seeing Ms Marvel is part of a Muslim family they're not going to push the agenda here because it'll receive a massive backlash from the Muslim community, and the one thing the woke media is more scared of than a LGBTQ+ backlash is a Muslim one

Well, they went there, in a cut scene we have Valkrie making sex jokes at an clearly underage Muslim girl, telling her to "strap-on errr... strap-in"

Ewww :/
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i just like how they keep using Daredevil to draw interest into these shows. Come on make a Daredevil movie/show already :D
Cracking start to the year, my Schadenfraude levels are off the charts!

She Hulk 2 and new Plank Palapatine movie canned - and a massive bitch slap to both Tatiana Maslany and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.

Get back in the bin where you belong.

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