There is a bit of a ruck around Basra now. Brits are firing artillery in
Originally posted by Annihil8or
It's probably our aircraft carrier.
Originally posted by Annihil8or
It's probably our aircraft carrier.
Thats true! It wont be long before Saddam is killed or caotured and the Iraqi people winOriginally posted by Over Clocker
Sadman Hussain tells his troops that their victory is near.
Not sure if this is trueAsia Times
"The surprise is not the attack on Baghdad or the advance from Kuwait. The surprise will come from Jordan," a top Jordanian source who requested anonymity told Asia Times Online. The source says that well over 400 American tanks and more than 7,000 American troops may well be on their way to Baghdad from a remote launching pad in eastern Jordan.
Originally posted by Sleepy
Not sure if this is true
Originally posted by Sleepy
Not sure if this is true
Originally posted by djdavies14
pretty pointless wasnt it? he just spoke about what their going to do...not what has happend and current detailes....
Originally posted by djdavies14
pretty pointless wasnt it? he just spoke about what their going to do...not what has happend and current detailes....