STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Originally posted by Sleepy
Sorry but your point is?

Merely an observation, thats still allowed isn't it? Firslty it is aestheically dreadful from every angle, watching it take off is like watching an elephant trying to hover by flapping its ears. It is also a very effective tool of war, and is hideous in that respect too.
Originally posted by Sleepy
Sorry but your point is?

Merely an observation, thats still allowed isn't it? Firslty it is aestheically dreadful from every angle, watching it take off is like watching an elephant trying to hover by flapping its ears. It is also a very effective tool of war, and is hideous in that respect too.
Originally posted by Yossarian
Merely an observation, thats still allowed isn't it?
It was just a question, no need to over react.
It is also a very effective tool of war, and is hideous in that respect too.
Give me an effective weapon rather than a dove any day. I live in the real world not the ideal pink and fluffy world that some seem to.
Originally posted by silverpaw
I'm quite suprised at the age of most of the US equipment.

why replace something that is still effective at what it does, and is expensive to replace?
The B52 is a bomber, it's airframe is perfectly good for the designed role (carrying/dropping munitions), even if it is old and looks ugly.
The engines/electronics etc will probably be fairly new compared to the airframe.

you'd be suprised at how many high value/cost items in daily use by businesses and governments are "old".

A lot of airlines use aircraft that are up to 20-30+ years old, as long as they are maintained properly there isn't really a problem.

What often happens is that the craft will be old (the actual basic unit), but have a lot of it's equipment updated on a fairly regular basis as newer stuff becomes available.
Originally posted by silverpaw
I'm quite suprised at the age of most of the US equipment.

why replace something that is still effective at what it does, and is expensive to replace?
The B52 is a bomber, it's airframe is perfectly good for the designed role (carrying/dropping munitions), even if it is old and looks ugly.
The engines/electronics etc will probably be fairly new compared to the airframe.

you'd be suprised at how many high value/cost items in daily use by businesses and governments are "old".

A lot of airlines use aircraft that are up to 20-30+ years old, as long as they are maintained properly there isn't really a problem.

What often happens is that the craft will be old (the actual basic unit), but have a lot of it's equipment updated on a fairly regular basis as newer stuff becomes available.
Originally posted by Yossarian
Nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are the most effective aren't they?
Yeah at mass killing and rendering [economically] uninhabitable the ground you use them on.

It is perfectly legit to use force in certain situations but it needs to be proportional and attempt to minimise collateral casualties. In fact from some comments the coalition is even going to great lengths to avoid Iraqi Army casualties where possible.
Sky News

Iraqi troops in S Iraq have been equiped with new gas masks. As the coaltion doesn't use or even posses usable CB weapons. Why has the Iraqi regime spent part of its limited resources on such items?
Iraqi's forces are making it very difficult for us to get the electricity and Water supply back on in Basra. Red Cross are trying to negotiate with them to let our engineers at least in to set up emergency generators.

Theory is that Iraqi's had sabotaged the power supply. Only theory though.
Iraqi's forces are making it very difficult for us to get the electricity and Water supply back on in Basra. Red Cross are trying to negotiate with them to let our engineers at least in to set up emergency generators.

Theory is that Iraqi's had sabotaged the power supply. Only theory though.
Some lovely video footage of some Iraqi civilians says "out out, Saddam out" (imagine Iraqi accent hehe)

Also, a load of ten year old boys cheering at our cameras, with the biggest smiles and happiests faces i've ever seen. Who knows, mayeb after this is over, they can form a nice football team or spmething. Maybe, the next Iraqi world cup team can play, without the threats of death etc if they dont perform.
Some lovely video footage of some Iraqi civilians says "out out, Saddam out" (imagine Iraqi accent hehe)

Also, a load of ten year old boys cheering at our cameras, with the biggest smiles and happiests faces i've ever seen. Who knows, mayeb after this is over, they can form a nice football team or spmething. Maybe, the next Iraqi world cup team can play, without the threats of death etc if they dont perform.
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