Started WoW Again

I dunno how you manage it, but I got 12k hp in druid, +1800 healing and 408 resillience. Warrior charges someone in my group, I shift out to heal them warrior intercepts me and spamstring. You can't shift out of it, because it is auto reapply. They keep moving, you keep shifting, wasting mana whilst they get HUGE white hits on you *without* critting (had a 2.8k a couple of days ago, non-crit) and all you can do is waste waste waste mana putting crappy hots that are 50% reduced. Try and caste -> pummeled. The things I have to protect myself ->

1) The self root (forget name) but requires warrior to get ANOTHER big white hit on you before it procs, and even then by the time you've moved out of range they've got another white hit.
2) NS + CC... usually a waste because warrior resists half your spells anyway or through multiple use gets reduced effect (where is reduced effect on spamstring?)
3) Warstomp + cyclone. This one is effective... but has a high chance of a) warstomp being resisted (and warriors get % health back from stomp anyway) or b) cyclone being resisted (happens soooooo often).

Not forgetting that intercept puts us in stun for 2 seconds (and gives you a free white hit + MS) ... you cannot move. YOU CANNOT MOVE. The only two classes that are supposed to have "range issues" being MELEE both have spells that teleport you to them (intercept / shadowstep) and abilities that make it impossible for you to escape them.

The only ONLY reliable escape method... will be removed in WOTLK. And that is... (drum roll) Feral Charge. You charge me -> I charge your teammate and have like 5 seconds breathing space... in which I can cast maybe 2-3 hots, 50% reduced from your MS.

God help me if there isn't anyone to charge to. I just sit there and take a beating.
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I dunno how you manage it, but I got 12k hp in druid, +1800 healing and 408 resillience. Warrior charges someone in my group, I shift out to heal them warrior intercepts me and spamstring. You can't shift out of it, because it is auto reapply. They keep moving, you keep shifting, wasting mana whilst they get HUGE white hits on you *without* critting (had a 2.8k a couple of days ago, non-crit) and all you can do is waste waste waste mana putting crappy hots that are 50% reduced. Try and caste -> pummeled. The things I have to protect myself ->

1) The self root (forget name) but requires warrior to get ANOTHER big white hit on you before it procs, and even then by the time you've moved out of range they've got another white hit.
2) NS + CC... usually a waste because warrior resists half your spells anyway or through multiple use gets reduced effect (where is reduced effect on spamstring?)
3) Warstomp + cyclone. This one is effective... but has a high chance of a) warstomp being resisted (and warriors get % health back from stomp anyway) or b) cyclone being resisted (happens soooooo often).

Not forgetting that intercept puts us in stun for 2 seconds (and gives you a free white hit + MS) ... you cannot move. YOU CANNOT MOVE. The only two classes that are supposed to have "range issues" being MELEE both have spells that teleport you to them (intercept / shadowstep) and abilities that make it impossible for you to escape them.

The only ONLY reliable escape method... will be removed in WOTLK. And that is... (drum roll) Feral Charge. You charge me -> I charge your teammate and have like 5 seconds breathing space... in which I can cast maybe 2-3 hots, 50% reduced from your MS.

God help me if there isn't anyone to charge to. I just sit there and take a beating.

Well if I get intercepted in casterform the very 1st thing I normally do is cast barkskin. You take 20% less damage and it can (now) be cast during stun.

As soon as the stun is over Ill natures grasp (roots) and immediately travel form away - the warriors autoattack will proc roots. Travelform uses a tiny amount of mana with Natural ShapeShifter talent.

Watch to see if the warrior trinkets - if yes, you can either throw up a couple of hots and switch to bearform and tank him or risk a cyclone/root. Ill normally go for the latter as Intercept wont be off cooldown yet and Barkskin will still be up meaning you wont get spell pushback. You might get pummeled but it will be hard for the warrior as they are 1.5s cast time spells.

You can now HoT yourself and move out of Line of Sight when intercept comes up. All the arenas offer los breakers. BGs a bit more tricky.

After that you need to do 2 things:
- Keep in bearform when intercept is ready and he is in Line of sight (assuming he still has you targetted).
- Use travel form in your 11 second window to buy time for a root/cyclone chain.

You have Bash as well, but thats notoriously unreliable on warriors and rogues, I normally try to save it for Healers.

Other tips:

- Always put up Demo Roar on warriors, rogues, hunters - and lacerate (the bleed effect) on Rogues.

- feral Charge aint that good when the warrior has intercept ready - most will wait for you to FC their teammate then Intercept you when you shift out to heal - Ill normally stay in bear, and shift out only when intercept os off CD.

- Keybind everything if you havent already - keep your most used abilities on keys that are accesssed the most easily.

Thats about all I can think of for now. Good luck!

You can also find some good tips (on all classes) at forums.
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Well a lot of other resto druids seem to manage fine so its something you're doing wrong

what he said

you must be doing something drasticly wrong.

u must be fighting with full brutal wars because my white crits are about 1600 and ms crits 2800 max on cloth. i wouldnt say my gear isnt awsome but its far from crap

my armory link click

one thing i really hate about druids is cyclone spamming or roots spamming, only insignia of horde breaks it and thats once every 5 mins use.

hamstring gets reduced to 5 seconds after 2 or 3 applies. but druids can easily remove that with a shape shift.

trying to pummel a druid is annoying, normaly the pummel hits but the spell is cast anyway :/ ive seen my pummel damage come up and still get cycloned.
Will i'm a MS warrior too. 4/5 vengefull 380res with a storm herald + executioner. 2k whites are normal. I've seen up to 5k crits on normal people.

The ones that have started to annoy me recently are SL/SL locks and mages. as a warrior they just kite you. once everything is on CD your screwed.
The ones that have started to annoy me recently are SL/SL locks and mages. as a warrior they just kite you. once everything is on CD your screwed.

If only you had some sort of magical high speed teleport running type thing on a 15 second cooldown that both closed the distance and stunned them for 3 seconds eh? And if only there was some sort of zero-cooldown instant cast method to drastically slow your opponent once you reach them... :p

Fair enough, expect to lose to a skilled Frost Mage (the class has to be able to kill something and at the moment Warriors are pretty much it), but against a Warlock? Warlocks are pretty much shafted by melee at the moment. In fact, melee are the dominant damage dealers in all aspects of team PvP.
You do tend to get zerged a bit in BGs, but that happens to everybody.

Warriors complaining on the Warrior forums is nothing new, only Paladins whinge more imo.

Most Bg are just a gankfest unless you are on a premade. Healers dont heal and tanks/dps wont help healers when either are being ganked, and to be honest it doesnt make a massive difference if they do help.

You can play Bg two ways. Be all serious and get stressed out and end up punching the wall or take it all as a big laugh and expect to be killed more times than you care to mention.
Most Bg are just a gankfest unless you are on a premade. Healers dont heal and tanks/dps wont help healers when either are being ganked, and to be honest it doesnt make a massive difference if they do help.

You can play Bg two ways. Be all serious and get stressed out and end up punching the wall or take it all as a big laugh and expect to be killed more times than you care to mention.

Normally end up with most kills, 0 deaths and 1 mark of honor :(
Most Bg are just a gankfest unless you are on a premade. Healers dont heal and tanks/dps wont help healers when either are being ganked, and to be honest it doesnt make a massive difference if they do help.

You can play Bg two ways. Be all serious and get stressed out and end up punching the wall or take it all as a big laugh and expect to be killed more times than you care to mention.

Roll Horde;)
Roll Horde;)

Ive got 4 ally 70s and a 70 horde hunter and to be honest ive not noticed horde playing any better. Maybe its just my battlegroup/server ( doomhammer ).

I know how to play the bg's and ill do my part if its a good team but if its just a load of plebs then i just switch to "arse about mode" like everyone else. Otherwise you get too stressed when you see people doing daft things.

Ive taken a break from wow to play age of conan but with the recent insane changes to that game ive got back to wow and rolled a dreanei shammy, should have plenty of time to get her to 70 and kitted out before wotlk comes.
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I'll admit i'm one of the plebs in AV :D I just muck about, I don't need honor. I don't need to win, i got all the kit. I just run around ganking to improve my tactics for arena.
idk why ppl say warriors are easy kills when we have no healer. I did 2v2 both warriors and we were in the 1700 arena rating.

Mages don't own warriors eaither. Wars can use LoS, spell reflect to defend and intercept after a mage teleports helps too. Iceblock is time for wars to bandage (where mages normally cancel ice block and interupt it anyway).

I don't think it is anywhere near as unbalanced as some people think
idk why ppl say warriors are easy kills when we have no healer. I did 2v2 both warriors and we were in the 1700 arena rating.

Mages don't own warriors eaither. Wars can use LoS, spell reflect to defend and intercept after a mage teleports helps too. Iceblock is time for wars to bandage (where mages normally cancel ice block and interupt it anyway).

I don't think it is anywhere near as unbalanced as some people think

it depends on the spec of the mage but any decent frost mage should always kill a war 1 on 1 unless the war gets incredibly lucky/mage mistake/mage afk.

fire/arcane would prob be 50/50
I miss the pre-tbc days, there was a much more defined progression and order of things. Hopefully they will fix what they've broken in WOTLK.
Want to beat frost mages? Potion of Free Action.

Of course, doesn't work in arenas... but blessing of freedom works just as well...
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