Started WoW Again

I made a Warrior, Nelf Female. Yeah the racials suck, and I should have rolled a dwarf or gnome. But I've got a soft spot for Nelfs lol.

I'm lvl 11 at the moment and going to go Fury spec for levelling, but weapons? Should I spec sword/sheild all the way to 70, or a 2H Sword? Or even 2x 1H Swords at 20 with duel weild?

Well... i've given in again, i'm installing it now. Just realised my account is still only basic Wow without expansion :o. So I can use the 10 day trial. :D
They are overpowerd atm. i normaly just run away from them now.

Mage here in full S3, i dont play the crappy cloned 17/0/44 i like to play, so im currently fire/frost. When ever i see a resto Druid, Warlock or holy/disc priest, i just run the other way. I know im urinating in the wind, so i don't even bother.

The worst is warlock spec'd SL/SL, having like 20k health and a higher damage output then me is just a little bit overpowered.
Shame as a MS Warrior, they do down like a bag of ***** then. I love sqwishy locks/mages/priests in PVP. They just die sooo easily.

Mages own Warriors so hard, if the Mage is half decent that is.

Shadow Priests are also hard against Warriors, and don't get me started about SL/SL Locks.

Warriors are the weakest class in the game in PvP (without healers) and have been for ages, still enjoy mine but it's just frustrating how long Warriors have been left underpowered.
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No it doesn't. Blizz have said they aren't balancing the game around 1v1, so it means nothing.
So? It still means something, I don't care if Blizzard aren't going to change it.

Warrior with Healer = Domination. Warrior without = Free HK. (again, unless severely outgeared or you suck, hard.)
Why does it mean something? It's not like your arena ratings are based on how well you do in 1v1, it's not like you obtain gear from doing duels, it's not like the ladder and tourneys are based around duels. It means nothing.
Why does it mean something? It's not like your arena ratings are based on how well you do in 1v1, it's not like you obtain gear from doing duels, it's not like the ladder and tourneys are based around duels. It means nothing.

So what? For fun?

It doesn't mean nothing.

Infact why don't Blizzard just **** every class up in 1v1, I'm sure nobody will care, as it means nothing, right?
Infact why don't Blizzard just **** every class up in 1v1

As far as I'm aware they don't make any more than a cursory effort to balance classes 1v1. They state that in order to do this, they would have to homogenise all classes i.e. they would all need to have very similar abilities in order to allow for true balancing.

I personally don't buy into it but there again I gave up on PvP in WoW a long time ago after experiencing the utter tedium of being 100-0 in fear many times, being graveyard camped in BGs, coming up against flavour of the month classes etc etc.
You do tend to get zerged a bit in BGs, but that happens to everybody.

Warriors complaining on the Warrior forums is nothing new, only Paladins whinge more imo.
The patch should treat all the new players nice tomorrow. Mounts are level 30 is going to be a nice help, especially with my alts.
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