Started WoW Again

So when do you all think the new expansion will be released? Do you think it will make the game as good as pre-TBC or worse? And do you think it will make many WoW players come back and more people to join etc or is Warhammer Online going to be taking a big chunk out of WoW's playerbase?

Be out middle of next year I reckon. It will definitely be good but I’m not sure it will be much better or different then TBC. So, while it will get people back into WoW it wont be for long. People who quit are going to quit again but this time I doubt the people they will be back for a 4th go.

Unless Blizzard radically change things I reckon WoW on the downward slop for sub numbers.

I know I am definitely going to be trying WAR, but I don't know if I intend on going back to WoW yet. I'm tempted to resub now and get my currently level 64 Hunter to 70 ready for this next expansion but I dno if I can be bothered because I know I will be going to WAR for a while or maybe long term depending on how good it is.

I’ve resub since there’s a few month until WAR comes out to level my alts. I’ll be getting WAR, it be better then AoC. Its in danger of being over hyped and people are setting high expectations, which I doubt it will meet.
as soon as this expansion hits, i wont be resubbing. screw having everything reset and mindlessly grind again to 80. the good days of wow imo are gone, itll never be the same as it was at 60. problem is, we've made a lot of friends online so are reluctant to perma quit. atleast thats me :)
and i doubt WAR will make much of a dent at release. its not going to be as complete as warcraft, it simply cant be for the amount of time its ben around
agreed, pre bc was fantastic...the expansion back ruined the game for me.

So much excellent pre bc end game content is completely redundant now....why oh why didnt Blizz make one continual storyline where you have to finish one instance before the next being available. That way places like Blackrock Spire and Stratholme would still be done regular.

This is why ive mostly given up on pve now....i spend most of time on bg/arena
Just found out about the scroll of resurection thingy, anyone got one going that they could send me?

got a couple of days of work, and fancy having a mess about on wow again.
Sweet Jesus! 1.1gb of updates, hmm this might take some time!!! anywhere I can get the updates, getting rubbish speed through the blizzard downloader!
the new release will no doubt come out in Jan like TBC did. Failing that they'll market it for Xmas release. Most likely throwing deals in with the CCG. WAR wont make a difference to the player base of WoW. It'll most likely fail like AoC, which is a shame cos i liked AoC. There is just nothing to do @ lvl 80 *cries*
I think they should be a new Neutral class, that can choose sides and be given different skills/incentives for joining :p

or a renegade faction that anyone can join from Horde or alliance :D
i think ive put too much time into wow to play another mmo. I did quit wow in march because i got bored when my guild disbanded. Played a bit end of may, had no guild tho joining one was awkward because of my working hours and i just let the sub run out. Performance was getting annoying as well.

Might play again when i get my new pc plus better working hours.
Lol...I must be the only person who doesnt miss pre-tbc WoW at all.

I think the game now is much better. Sure people remember the good times, but I think a lot of folks forget some of the crap aspects.

Heres a few to jog your memory:

- sh1tty battleground queues
- no way of getting decent pvp gear unless you quit your job/family/social life (best I got was rank 8).
- No badges so pve drops completely dependent on RNG.
- trying to organise 40 man raids
- Off-specs completely unwanted in raids (e.g. Druids without innervate back when it was a talent didnt get to go, forget ferals/boomkins/ret pallies even getting a shot).
- No heroic mode available.

Overall I find WoW post-tbc to be much more casual friendly, even player friendly with the badge system. Its much more to my personal liking than ever before. =)
Sure people remember the good times, but I think a lot of folks forget some of the crap aspects.

It comes down to the 'magic' that is inevitably going to be lost as people look back on the early days. There were quite a few poor decisions made with TBC, but they have corrected most of them and I believe (from reading interviews with the devs) that they have learned lessons and will apply them to WoTLK.

I'm not dismissing the validity of looking back on pre-TBC with misty eyes. I also have many great memories of the old world. I think the old 5 man content is still much better than it is now (I prefer long and rambling to the current 'on rails' experience) and the joy of experiencing the newness won't ever be recaptured.
Lol...I must be the only person who doesnt miss pre-tbc WoW at all.

I think the game now is much better. Sure people remember the good times, but I think a lot of folks forget some of the crap aspects.

Heres a few to jog your memory:

- sh1tty battleground queues
- no way of getting decent pvp gear unless you quit your job/family/social life (best I got was rank 8).
- No badges so pve drops completely dependent on RNG.
- trying to organise 40 man raids
- Off-specs completely unwanted in raids (e.g. Druids without innervate back when it was a talent didnt get to go, forget ferals/boomkins/ret pallies even getting a shot).
- No heroic mode available.

Overall I find WoW post-tbc to be much more casual friendly, even player friendly with the badge system. Its much more to my personal liking than ever before. =)

I used to love the 40 man raids although we only finished MC once :p Also with a 40 man raid there seemed to be enough room for everyone, I used to play as an arms warrior, but with the 25 man raid three prot warriors were the only warriors needed, so was kinda difficult getting a spot on raids sometimes, even though I respecced prot the 3 main MTs always went (fair enough) so a lot of times I was surplus to requirements :(
I feel cheeky for asking but anyone got a spare scroll of resurrection? :)
Got an urge to come back :o
Sent to trust. :p

Aargh :mad: Despite not logging in since March, it says I'm under 90 days :( Looks like in a couple of weeks I can use it :( But I will, and you can have 30 days free then as I know I'll be resubbing :D thanks :)
I'm worryingly gutted now :o
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