So when do you all think the new expansion will be released? Do you think it will make the game as good as pre-TBC or worse? And do you think it will make many WoW players come back and more people to join etc or is Warhammer Online going to be taking a big chunk out of WoW's playerbase?
Be out middle of next year I reckon. It will definitely be good but I’m not sure it will be much better or different then TBC. So, while it will get people back into WoW it wont be for long. People who quit are going to quit again but this time I doubt the people they will be back for a 4th go.
Unless Blizzard radically change things I reckon WoW on the downward slop for sub numbers.
I know I am definitely going to be trying WAR, but I don't know if I intend on going back to WoW yet. I'm tempted to resub now and get my currently level 64 Hunter to 70 ready for this next expansion but I dno if I can be bothered because I know I will be going to WAR for a while or maybe long term depending on how good it is.
I’ve resub since there’s a few month until WAR comes out to level my alts. I’ll be getting WAR, it be better then AoC. Its in danger of being over hyped and people are setting high expectations, which I doubt it will meet.