Started WoW Again

i find if im playing on a low level alt, that there are others playing alts too, so things get done quite quickly.

ive just reinstalled wow. after installing tbc, i had a 1.1gb download on the blizzard downloader. When i went to bed last night around 12, it was running at 70 kb/s. For some reason when i got up in the night it wasnt running, but when i turned pc on this morning. Started it up and is running at 300 - 400 kb/s which isnt too bad really.

its the big 2.4 patch took me 30 mins from wowwiki, its mirrors are a lot faster than the wow downloader
I would love to start playing this game again this summer as i've got a long time before university starts, but having played twice before, some things kind of put me off.

Firstly, playing on your own is awful, its just boring and depressing so I log off quite quickly.

Secondly, how hard it is to find a group for something at low level, no one plays low level characters anymore. So unless a new server comes up and quite a few people I know joined, then I won't start playing again, for now. :(

I played for a bit on my 56 warrior, and found it a bit difficult to find people that lvl, the seems to only be people maxxed out at lvl 70 or lowere lvl people playing alts.

So started a new mage, loads of people at lower lvl, already up to lvl 11 and that was only playing for a couple of hours lastnight after work.

What server do most of you lot play on? I'm on kor'gall at the moment.
cant believe how much pvp ive done this week :p got 13k honor yesterday alone.

my war sucked in solo pvp, but now ive got some decent pvp gear (2 veng/1merc/2glad) things are fun now :p i just have to avoid healer druids.
ok so i had a melt down about 5 months ago, sold everything on my level 70 shadow priest. ive not kept up with the game at all.

so any suggestions? ive decided not to raid for a few months just to get some decent gear, im an alchamist, and full tailor. got access to lots of shadow weave. so where to start?? i know that there is a new place north of plaguelands but that is all.

@TheBrooder : my char is Shoseki / ShosekiD if you want some help ^^ on sylvanas

@utajoker : you're a warrior for christs sake, my full pvp healer druid finds warriors one of the toughest classes, seriously. Get mortal strike up, keep charging and keep pwning. warriors > resto druids.
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@thebrooder : my char is Shoseki / Shosekid if you want some help ^^ on sylvanas

@utajoker : you're a warrior for christs sake, my full pvp healer druid finds warriors one of the toughest classes, seriously. Get mortal strike up, keep charging and keep pwning. warriors > resto druids.

I'm trying druid atm, only lvl10 but it seems fun so far, name - Honeyweller
Hey so I think I quit playing maybe 2 years my char still going to be there? Can I carry on from where I left off? (60 hunter 40 priest)
Heheh I am horde. Expect gankage allies! XD

BTW hit 59 this morning... not bad for a weeks worth of evening play for almost 20 levels.
Lol...I must be the only person who doesnt miss pre-tbc WoW at all.

I think the game now is much better. Sure people remember the good times, but I think a lot of folks forget some of the crap aspects.

- no way of getting decent pvp gear unless you quit your job/family/social life (best I got was rank 8).


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