Steam hacked ?

Avira is one of the better AV programs so no problems there although no AV product is 100% effective.

Have you tried running "Malwarebytes" and "Spyware Doctor"? and

They won't stop stuff getting on your machine but are handy to check if something is already there. I'm sure other people can recommend other programs too.

My brother had his hotmail password stolen somehow a while back but his machine appeared clear and he uses a desktop but then again Microsoft have been in the news numerous times advising people to change their hotmail passwords after a they have been hacked so it could have been through that :D There are so many different ways a password can be stolen :(
some other security applications liker kerperksy internet security has application control, saying thats its no were near as sensitive or dynamic as comodo that fact that is free its amazing
No, its a possibility. Saying 'many' is pure fiction. There are no stats anywhere to say how many hacked accounts get VAC banned but i very much doubt its many.

judging by the amount of accounts that are sold on forums related to hacking it's quite a lot.
Hi all.

I tried to play some games last night but it said my password was wrong, Shouldn't be as i haven't reset it or anything.

Any how after trying and trying still no luck i've opened up a ticket to witch i still haven't heard anything at all from Steam:mad:
how does it take for them to reply? I've added pictures and product keys to prove it's my account but NOTHING !

What is puzzling me is that i did the Email address verification to my email address but i'm still not getting anything sent to it when i know my username and email address?

Any more ideas please?

I also had this problem and found out it was because I had changed (increased) internet security settings in IE (Which I never use), set them back and it worked fine again......might be worthwhile lowering yours and see if it works ?
Looks like someone got Phished if you ask me. Might be worth getting some anti phishing software installed and check URL's from links before you log in. Plus use different passwords for your accounts or atleast for your Email and main accounts then its harder to get hacked.
I also had this problem and found out it was because I had changed (increased) internet security settings in IE (Which I never use), set them back and it worked fine again......might be worthwhile lowering yours and see if it works ?

Got any more indepth info on this?


Have you tried logging into steam on another machine?
Got any more indepth info on this?


Have you tried logging into steam on another machine?

Well,when the last IE problem was announced i upped the privacy settings in IE to high, when i did this I couldnt open steam, log in, change my password or anything

reinstalled and nothing, changed passwords etc but nothing would work

eventually just downed the settings in IE back to normal and my account worked again, must use IE as the base for the steam homepage ?
I use Rapport from Trusteer since it was recommended by my bank. It's free.

Am also now using this after my bank suggested I install it and once you set it to monitor any sites you enter sensitive info into it can warn you if you're on a dodgy site / will remind you before allowing submission of new details on those sites (can mean you could avoid getting caught).
The thing is, there are already warnings in place on steam (since i guess the majority of steam phising attempts come through steam), anyone stupid enough to ignore them and enter details into what are obviously phising scams would either ignore warnings from other trust programs or wouldn't get them in the first place.
The thing is, there are already warnings in place on steam (since i guess the majority of steam phising attempts come through steam), anyone stupid enough to ignore them and enter details into what are obviously phising scams would either ignore warnings from other trust programs or wouldn't get them in the first place.

whenever you click a link in steam chat it says don't enter your details ;p
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