Steam IS coming to OS X


I have the X1900XTX :(

Just raised a ticket with Steam Support

Hi there,

Recently after long awaiting the release of L4D2 on OSX I bought it and downloaded it from you guys.

However, as other Source games have always run fine on my system I assumed this would work and did not check the supported hardware.

Here-in lies my problem, I have the X1900XTX 512mb version. Now, as you can imagine, my face dropped when it wouldn't launch this morning.

Are you able to tell me if the game is likely to support the graphics card in the near future? Or ever for that fact? :)

If not, can I have a refund please.

Many Thanks,
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Just had a few rounds of cs source on my new mbp 13" and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it plays, although I know it's not that intensive on the GPU but I'm very pleased as I can have a few rounds if I'm bored now or some half life action :)
My server is now STRAND & LONGEST DAY 24/7

Two maps I think are awesome and should attract players, you might want to download them first and plonk in your map folder before joining!

See all of you (like 1) in their sometime!


It's not working, I've tried half a dozen times to connect but it's failing. It appears to connect and then I get this each time:


I disconnect, reconnect and the same thing happens :(

That's because the server is no longer. lol.

It never picked up, even with declining servers playing this game I thought it would pickup!

There are however a few servers that run either of the maps 24/7.

Not played DOD in like a month, been too busy playing L4D2. :D
I dunno what it is about left for dead but i can only play it for 10 minutes before getting bored. Same with the first one!

There's someone else who feels it!!!!

There was something about l4d2 that meant I wasn't scared anymore :( iv given it a few goes with a mate and its just been a typical open shooter, no suspense, no terror, no feeling of danger that your going to run out of ammo and things are going to get nasty, just a set up where you either have too much of everything or there are too many special's hammering you...

The swords and things are fun though, but dont make the game feel like a progression at all
Just downloaded the original L4D as i bought it ages ago.

L4D runs sooo much better than L4D2. Had everything on high apart from shaders on medium.
Not sure if this has already been mentioned but Trine is coming to Mac this month :)

Also, if it does well, Trine 2 could come to us as well :p

Looks like the GTAs may be coming our way also :eek:

"You guys thinking of making your games available on Macs?" - Al

Yes! Look for the long-awaited release of the classic Grand Theft Auto Trilogy (Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) for Mac - most likely later this year. We'll have much more info and a proper announcement soon. But, yes, in case you were wondering, that is a world exclusive from Asked and Answered.
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