Steam Is Now Offering Refunds

We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

very nice touch thats happened to me a few times buy game next day 50% off.
This is some really good news. Not sure how much use I'll get out of it, but it's always nice to be there. I was actually tempted to buy MotoGP 15 this year but have been hesitant due to the rep of the game developers giving back zero support.

Might purchase once released and if I don't like, refund :D
Excellent news...

Surgeon Simulator for one (complete pile of cack).

Trainz A New Era (TANE) for another, hardware melting ugly looking mess.

Obviously the two hour limit means deciding fairly quickly and there is a bit of a grey area where DLC merges into the core game, but much better than the caveat emptor of before.
yup, a baby step in the right direction....if only this had come sooner I could have Got a refund for the:

dreadful - Duke Nuke'em (game continually crashed, support was useless, I didn't lay more than 10 minutes)
Rubbish - Red Orchestra (just plain awful)
Dire - DOTA 2 (ok, so it didn't cost much, but what a pile of .....)
$8tE - Saints Row the third (could have been renamed the turd)
R.U.S.E. - well, I wished I didn't.

Really? Throwing Red Orchestra, one of the best WW2 multiplayer games ever made, amongst that trash you were stupid enough to buy?
About time and with the two hour rule makes sense. This and the 14 days is enough time to try and resolve any game issues such as crashing with support.

Yep! I've had RAGE in my library for ages and can't even start it up. I've tried lots of 'fixes' but no cigar. :(
It's a good step, about time.

Little concerned by the 2 hour thing, there is a lot of under 2 hour indie games that 'could' get screwed over by this.
With games these days, 2 hours is enough time to play through the entire singleplayer mode. Now I can do that and get a refund :p :p
I wonder if they will refund MKX -- before it was patched it worked great I played 15 hours, they patched it and not been able to play it since for a month
Black screen issue because I have a 5960x CPU
With games these days, 2 hours is enough time to play through the entire singleplayer mode. Now I can do that and get a refund :p :p

Do that too many times and it will fall under abusing it ;)

But yeah, this is great news. Now we can buy games in peace knowing that if it does not work we can get refund :D
Its about time really, they still have a lot of things to fix on steam but its great to hear theyre trying to help customers who get stung for trashy early access, unfinished or straight up crap games that float up on steam!
Really? Throwing Red Orchestra, one of the best WW2 multiplayer games ever made, amongst that trash you were stupid enough to buy?

In the best spirit of bb's perhaps you could learn to moderate yourself. Different strokes for different folk's and all that.

Or perhaps you actually are mentally deficient as your username may imply?
Keep it fun ;)
I wonder if its refund into bank or steam wallet...

You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval. You will receive the refund in Steam Wallet funds or through the same payment method you used to make the purchase. If, for any reason, Steam is unable to issue a refund via your initial payment method, your Steam Wallet will be credited the full amount. (Some payment methods available through Steam in your country may not support refunding a purchase back to the original payment method. Click here for a full list.)
Where Refunds Apply
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