Steam Is Now Offering Refunds

Ok, try for refunds that are older, it works.

I just got a refund on:

Dark Souls 2, purchased 18th December 2014, decent game, not my taste though.
South Park, purchased 13th March, 2015.

Gonna try for a few more that are under the 2 hour limit.

Can request refunds on games upto 6 months.
Requested for wolfenstien new order kept crashing for me but was so good I got it on ps4 instead. That and south park that was utter garbage is all for me. We shall see if they refund both purchased about 3 months ago.
That is quite brilliant - going to the refund page shows all of the games eligible for refunds...shame you can't refund older games that you haven't played :p

Can basically try any game now and if it doesn't live upto expectation, can just get rid of it. It would certainly make me more willing to take the plunge with some games.
Would love to get a refund on some of the deals i bought like postal 2 as i thought they fixed it up and made it better but nah. Also a few £1-£4 deals i wish i never bought as never played like ES oblivion goty edition, played it before was okish but never got into it. Played skyrim more but then stopped then after awhile of wanting to play more i couldnt cos i forgot what i was up to in the game and didnt wana relearn everything i was up to and had etc. Hate it when that happens.
Just got my £22.50 refund for Dirt Rally, have only played 2h but bought the game 1st May which is over the 14 day policy.

No drama, no quibbles. Simple really
Really impressed with this.

Put in a request for a refund on IL2 Battle of Stalingrad : Got accepted within an hour.

Also did the same for Stranded Deep, i was a bit concerned as i had 5 hours play time in that game. It was all fine, got my refund accepted in about 2 hours.

Very very impressed.
+1 love this feature it does make the Steam platform so much ahead of the rest. It gives games around 80mb to me and refunds i can hardly complain. I think if they dropped prices a little there would honestly be no one else left to compete with Steam because it is really that good.
Where do you go to request a refund? Very tempted to see if they will accept a refund for Ride which I pre-purchased for £49.99 in March.

The devs are Milestone and yes, support is that bad. Zero fixes, zero updates and I was supposed to get a season pass which would provide addition bikes... we received two of these on release and have not had anything since.

EDIT: found it - you have to go through the support section.
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Tried a cheeky refund for GTAV, have 7 hours played on the PC version.

Refused under the > 2 hours rule, fair enough, was worth a shot! :p
Looks like they stick to their guns :( they just denied mine on the basis of over 2 hours gametime, regardless of the message about the lack of support and clearly being ripped off for a product which they aren't even providing the content for (season pass). If only they made exceptions for different cases...
Looks like they stick to their guns :( they just denied mine on the basis of over 2 hours gametime, regardless of the message about the lack of support and clearly being ripped off for a product which they aren't even providing the content for (season pass). If only they made exceptions for different cases...

I must have got lucky then. I had Stranded Deep that i played for 4 hours 50 mins and they let me refund it. I did go into detail about traveling to another island and opening a "Hard Case" or "Locker" caused the game to crash. Luckily it got accepted
So has anyone got a refund on DayZ SA?

i got offered on from a fanboy on here so I would stop pointing out how broken it was but he was all mouth.
Well my refund was agreed very quickly. However some 9 days later it still hasn't appeared in my account. Oh well, back to the joy of steam tickets again. Its only £5.09 and I've already wasted that in time spent navigating the frankly awful support website with different log ins required etc. A lot of faffing for a fiver.

But damn it. Its the principle.

TL;DR: steam is still not the customer focused experience it should be.
... I've already wasted that in time spent navigating the frankly awful support website with different log ins required etc. A lot of faffing for a fiver. the steam client, click help, support, "a purchase", select the game, two more clicks and you do the refund request, it's dead simple.
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