Steam Link and Steam Controller now available to Pre Order

Well I used my link for a good few hours over the weekend. I played Elite Dangerous and it runs absolutely brilliantly. I am very impressed with how well the box performs. Next on the list is a wireless receiver for my XBox 360 pad. I'm currently using my wireless pad, but I have about 4 wireless controllers at home, along with a battery kit and it'd be nice to use them! Does anyone have any suggestions on which receiver to get? Shall I just spend the £15 to get the proper MS controller (my experience was always that the MS kit for the 360 was the best) or go for a cheaper alternative?
still tempted by the link as its out officially soon, just doubt it working well over my cheapo network power plugs

is it a good sign though that xb1 to windows 10 streaming is working really well on my set up?
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Chris [BEANS];28783795 said:
Anyone played an RTS with the steam pad?? I'd absolutely love to play some Total War on the big screen, but I can't imagine it being any good with a pad!

Now that I would buy the controller for.
I played Elite Dangerous and it runs absolutely brilliantly
I've yet to actually request a steam key for Elite, being an original kick starter funder but I am tempted try this on the TV. The only drawback would be lack of TrackIR, which is a bit of a killer since I can’t now imagine playing the game without it.
I've got a cheap fake 360 USB receiver from eBay I've had a while, and it works perfectly.

Or not.

My Chinese receiver now refuses to sync with any of my pads, when plugged into my Link or my PC :(.

Still managed to play a few hours of South Park flawllesly with a wired pad. When it works the Link is great.
Tempted to get one of these to see what it is like for dota, currently use a 360 controller with xpadder and i have problems with lack of hotkeys, anyone know how many buttons can be mapped to the left touchpad?
are you finding the link not very consistent?

Yeah. Rocket League is unplayable for me (and a few people on here) for no obvious reason. And it still suffers from the temperamental relationship with a PC, such as pop ups breaking the integration, or like I had today where on the Link it prompted me to restart Steam for a client update, only to then not auto sign in so I had to trapse upstairs.

When it works its brilliant, but its not flawless, and the annoying thing is it seems really inconsistent between different people as to what works.

Oh and it also no longer blanks the screen on the host PC, which annoys me a bit. But that's not a massive issue.
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Are these not working very well with homeplugs? I'd have to invest in a new router if so. I am very tempted though, always found making the pi2 run the steam big picture streamer was hit and miss overall.
Yeah. Rocket League is unplayable for me (and a few people on here) for no obvious reason. And it still suffers from the temperamental relationship with a PC, such as pop ups breaking the integration, or like I had today where on the Link it prompted me to restart Steam for a client update, only to then not auto sign in so I had to trapse upstairs.

When it works its brilliant, but its not flawless, and the annoying thing is it seems really inconsistent between different people as to what works.

Oh and it also no longer blanks the screen on the host PC, which annoys me a bit. But that's not a massive issue.

Thanks mate, sounds like the sort of issues i thought might happen regarding having to return to the pc to move the mouse and come back down stairs! Wonder if a wireless mouse app for a phone may assist with this? Think i used one once before and you just connect it to your pc through the network and the screen acts as a track pad for a mouse, maybe worth a shot!

May still order one! What is your setup? Wired directly, power plugs, wireless?

Its only £40 so may just go for it and see
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