Steam sale now .... Off

The stand-outs from my middle aged gamer wishlist are...
Gravel £1.59
Hades £8.39

A risky one would be EA WRC £13.49
these are the only thing tickling my interest :
tabletop simultor zombicide
tabletop simultor the red dragon in battle for grey port

terraforming mars

Automobilista 2 but that would be more to play with the VR crew
Going to go for Dominions 6, 30% discount the highest its been and they are usually very stingy with sales. Trouble is I bought Dominions 5 about 4 sales ago but still haven't even installed it, let alone played it. Bought because I tend to buy games recommended by my favourite strategy game youtubers/streamers, and it does look good. I did try and blag a refund when Dom 6 came out, having not played a single minute, but they weren't having it. Why am I buying Dom 6 without even playing Dom 5 you may ask? That is a very good question. Just genera Steam sale addiction I guess.

Hogwarts looking tempting.
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Was hoping Elden Ring and Balders Gate 3 would come down but not by much anytime soon.
Games from 2019 are still full priced. RDR2 is still full price. I'm not sure the industry knows what it is doing anymore.

Anyway.. right after that flash sale.. steam summer sale went into affect, so HFW was still on sale LOL. Gotta say, the game looks amazing on my PC, but is brutally tough fps on my Legion Go.
Picked up Gates Of Hell Ostfront £7.37, was on my wishlist for a while and is hard to find a good deal on keysites for this game.
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Games from 2019 are still full priced. RDR2 is still full price. I'm not sure the industry knows what it is doing anymore.
RDR2 is £19.79 for me - no idea if Steam have user specific pricing now? I've had it wishlisted forever and this looks like their floor limit
RDR2 is £19.79 for me - no idea if Steam have user specific pricing now? I've had it wishlisted forever and this looks like their floor limit

Well worth it at that price. Very much a slow burner but once it gets going it is amazing.

I don't think they do user specific pricing. If I had to guess what happened it is that some of the prices don't update immediately once the sale starts. Happens pretty much every major sale now, something to do with their servers getting overloaded or caching I guess.
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