Steam sale now .... Off

RDR2 is £19.79 for me - no idea if Steam have user specific pricing now? I've had it wishlisted forever and this looks like their floor limit
Just looked, it's same price but in dollars now $19.79. Basically the price it should probably be normally for a 5 year old game. So it looks like Steam has essentially moved to 'only if it's on sale' model for consumers :(
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People still take Steam "Sales" seriously? :eek:

Yes and no. I have Istheanydeal extension that tells me if a game is at an all time low and if it's been bundled. If it's been bundled I'll check Gamivo/CD Keys. But some all time low indy games are only going to show up on Steam. Also I collect too many games, 1573 on steam, 330 on GOG, plus large Uplay and Epic games library.
People still take Steam "Sales" seriously? :eek:
I only ever buy games from sales. It's been a very long time since I've waited for anything to come out and bought it full price, in fact I can't even remember what game it's that long ago.
I tend to flick through, see something I like the look of, have a brief glance at reviews around the internet, then if it's cheap enough (usually sub £10) I'll give it a go.
Bought two games the other day which were cheaper on Steam then elsewhere (well, from what I could see anyway). They both been on my wish list for ages, so now just have to get the time to play them as well ! :p

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Finally bought Disco Elysium, couldn't say no at just over 3 quid. Also picked up the Grim Dawn expansion.
Disco Elysium is fantastic, especially at the current price. About to finally start the base game of grim dawn for the first time!
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Bought two games the other day which were cheaper on Steam then elsewhere (well, from what I could see anyway). They both been on my wish list for ages, so now just have to get the time to play them as well ! :p

Thanks picking up Wolcen. Not sure about lords of fallen but for a few quid you can't go wrong. Have tempted to take the combo for £12 Wolcen and Achilles.
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Picked up Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic which just came out of early access/beta and I've been looking at for a while, also picked up Transport Fever 2 which again I've been looking at for a while and a couple of quid for Euro Truck Sim 2 which I've always fancied trying
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