Steam sale starts wed 26

Think I'll purchase Demigod again so I have it on steam, superb Tower Defense/MOBA RPG thingy type game, well worth £2.37!

Now if only Van Helsing II complete pack was £5 like it was on Gamersgate the other day, which I missed :(
Castlevania 2 with dlc for £6.24!

It only seems to add the costume DLC, not the DLC game extension of Revelations, which costs another £4.79. I shall wait till they include that into a deal sometime in the future (really don't like this whole DLC model most games have, even in sales you gotta be careful what you DLC you do get and which you don't, been severely stung by Civ V DLC debacle in the past)
Have to agree it's not the world's greatest sale, I ended up going for the valve pack at 18 quid purely because I wanted CS:GO and nearly paid 12 for this the other day, so I get lots of other old games included that I don't mind playing again (portal etc.)

Will keep a lookout for the xmas sale
The only one I am considering at the moment is castle crashers, but the lowest price seems to have been £1 so might wait to see if it's cheaper at christmas
I picked up both Civ5 expansions and then realized I could have got the complete edition at a cheaper price. Oh well :(
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