These dealsanyone played Insurgency? Tempted to buy it.
Whats everyones opinion of Endless Legend? I love 4X games and have played Civ5 for almost 500hours and am still not bored. Will I enjoy this? The fantasy aspect does not put me off, but I was wondering how different it will be for Civ games?
These dealsanyone played Insurgency? Tempted to buy it.
I wasn't that bothered about this sale either. But have got one game in my cart. The Evil Within seems a bargain for under £10
Defence Grid 2 for £3.29 isn't bad.
Purely because it looks a bit daft and was £2.99, I've just bought Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon. What sold it for me? Michael Biehn. Love that guy.
yes true
I think prices have changed since I last looked - last looked before I went to gym at 6.05 and discounts were showing
but now discounts seem higher - weird
DG2 is great, for that price there's no reason not to get it.