Steam sale

Just bought Max Payne 3 for £3.74.

So far I've bought Crusader Kings II and Game Of Thrones: The Telltale Series. Looks like it will take me quite a while to grasp Crusader Kings. Just started watching some tutorial videos on Youtube. Felt like I was in History class, but I know I'm going to become in love with it. Eventually.

I picked up Crusader Kings as I've been wanting to try the Game of Thrones mod for a while
I've got both CK2 and EU4, but I find EU4 a lot easier to play/understand. EU4 is more about the overall nation and how it's doing, where CK2 you are far more invested in your dynasty and keeping your vassals happy.
"needforspeed, why the confusion and rolleyes? You managed to get into a good room. Just dont nuke the bosses or you'll ruin it for everyone".

I thought it was broken.
bought life is strange episode one for £1.99 anyone played it? looks quite interesting.
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Fallout 3 GOTY has a note: "Notice: Fallout 3 is not optimized for Windows 7 and later."

What does that mean exactly? :confused:

I have the original retail version and it runs fine?

Person who said it was on sale previously and someone confirmed it, you *******s :D

As for not being optimised, I've got it on Windows 8.1 running around 50+ mods working just fine, you'll be good to go :)
Anyone think killing floor 2, arma 3, project cars or any others are worth a try ?

Arma 3 is great fun loads of mods from artis life to breaking point and overwatch and my favorite king of the hill.As long as you are a fan of the non arcadey infantry movement and shooting.Out of all those i'd still get arma 3 as it offers so many good multiplayer mods and longevity.

I'd just wait for killing floor 2 to be released than pay now for early access, by the time the full game comes out you'll be bored of it.

Arma 3 needs a good pc to run well though btw.
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ME 1 and 2 bought for just over a fiver :D

Had it on my wishlist to click last night then it came on daily deal this morning... That and LA Noire... Spent a LOAD of money but had a lot of games to catch up on as I have been out of the gaming loop for a good few years
Think I'm done for this sale, been quite successful really, Shadows of Mordor & Icewind Dale EE for a decent price. Only got Sunless Sea & The Witcher 3 still left on my wish list.
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