Steam sale

Is crusader kings worth buying ..looked at it about 10 times now ...

I'm possibly mentally challenged but I just couldn't get to grips with how to play it, not a great in game tutorial IMO. I really must give it another try some time as I hear so many good things about it, but make sure you're willing to put the time in to learn.
Anyone else manage to reach 100,000,000 on that monster game? Last chance today I think.

Can finally play some real games now :D.
Encore now worse Steam summer sale ever by far so many games only reduced 25-40% & so much shovelware dreck garbage not worth £1 let alone anything more :(

This has been my first steam sale. I've been quite disappointed to be honest.

I've bought a few games but nothing amazing.
Is there any recommend three player multiplayer games in sale.

Can rule out:
Borderlands 2 (completed, was OK)
Civilization V and similar long games
Left 4 Dead 2 (didn't like)
Payday 2 (too much grind)
Anyone else manage to reach 100,000,000 on that monster game? Last chance today I think.

Can finally play some real games now :D.

Managed to get up to 2 million away. Seems there's just too many griefers around now unless you get in early on new scheme before it comes common knowledge.

Deciding between MSG2015 and YOWH for next attempt after reset.
Is there any recommend three player multiplayer games in sale.

Can rule out:
Borderlands 2 (completed, was OK)
Civilization V and similar long games
Left 4 Dead 2 (didn't like)
Payday 2 (too much grind)

Dying light was ok, had a few co op games with some friends but the save game is annoying as it overides your single player save.
Borderlands pre-sequel is ok if you liked BL2. Not as good though, although the lower gravity is fun. Also like how all 4 of you can have yyour own vehicle.

The dlc was rubbish though. i bought the season pass at release as they said everything will be included in the season pass this time after all the complaints about what they did with BL2. So bought the season pass and there was just one short story dlc :rolleyes:.
This has been my first steam sale. I've been quite disappointed to be honest.

I've bought a few games but nothing amazing.

I'm quite glad that Steam sales aren't full of super super cheap games anymore. All it does is hurt the developers, so many people put off on buying great games on launch because they are cheap and know it will be 3 quid in a year or two in a Steam sale. That just hurts the developers, and no more buying 50,000,000 games for pennies that I'll never play, adds up to a lot of wasted money, but that is a self control issue. :cool:
How do you get 100,000,000?? :eek: Any room I've joined gets to level 15K max.

As you can see not many games make it to max level (times are USA based).

Basically need to run a script and leave PC running until reach highest level.

There's a few groups around, but getting in to one of their rooms depends on luck, due to popularity.

MSG2015 rooms now seem to be plagued by trolls. Ye olde wormhole scheme will probably suffer equal fate after reset today.

There's also Reddit, but not tried them.
How do you get 100,000,000?? :eek: Any room I've joined gets to level 15K max.

Need to run a script using tampermonkey/scriptmonkey depending on your browser. It uses a wormhole strat that stops all damage on a boss and uses everyones wormholes and 'like new' abilities. the longer you stay on the boss and keep using wormholes the higher the jump. I think the top room managed something like 17 million levels in one go last night. - Rooms are announced in here about 2 hours after the reset, so around 7pm.

There has been some rivalry between the Reddit group and the yowh group and trolls from both sides trying to sabotage each others rooms. It's been quite funny watching all the drama unfold over a free clicker game lol.
I have had my credit card declined for a few games I bought today. I called the CC company and apparently their is a lot of credit card fraud associated with steam. So scum steals a cc card buys games as gifts and sells the games on. Easy money for scumbags.
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