Steam sale

Spent far more than I needed to. Thinking I might be using the refund option a bit in the next few weeks. I can't remember, is there a time limit on it?
Spent far more than I needed to. Thinking I might be using the refund option a bit in the next few weeks. I can't remember, is there a time limit on it?

Within 2 weeks, and you have to have played less than 2 hours.

Pretty happy with my purchases, got two (*) out of the four main games I really wanted, plus some others from my Wishlist.

  • Shovel Knight*
  • Project Cars*
  • Craft The World
  • BEEP
  • Octodad
  • Stealth ******* Deluxe
  • LEGO Jurassic World
  • La-Mulana
Within 2 weeks, and you have to have played less than 2 hours.

Pretty happy with my purchases, got two (*) out of the four main games I really wanted, plus some others from my Wishlist.

  • Shovel Knight*
  • Project Cars*
  • Craft The World
  • BEEP
  • Octodad
  • Stealth ******* Deluxe
  • LEGO Jurassic World
  • La-Mulana
How is project cars running on your system?
No I think that's it, whatever you see there is the last of what we'll get.

I'm a little disappoint some games from my wishlist never showed up at all. Darkwood hasn't had anything off, it's still £11.99 and it's been on my wishlist for a year. Frozen State, Black Mesa, Besiege and Highlands from my list never got dailies/flash deals either :/

Didn't besiege have a flash deal at 15%? Or was that on Humble Store? It's still early access, so wouldn't expect much of a discount.

shadow of Mordor, someone was asking, was/ is cheaper on Bundlestars
Anyone know if F.E.A.R Story is linked to fear 2 at all? or wont it matter if i start from 2

fear is great, genuinely unsettling. I've only played the first game and the first expansion, the expansion simply isn't as scarey after the revelations of the first game. I assume the same applies to FEAR 2, si I'd recommend starting with the original
IMO F.E.A.R is the best of all of them and is linked to all the games.

Yea, but not at steams price

This crowd does the collection for £3.26 (for months now) and to add insult to injury its redeemable via steam... infact I'm actually wondering if Monlith are another of those that jacked their prices a little just for the summer sale... as the same "collection" on steam is £17.
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Yea, but not at steams price

This crowd does the collection for £3.26 (for months now) and to add insult to injury its redeemable via steam... infact I'm actually wondering if Monlith are another of those that jacked their prices a little just for the summer sale... as the same "collection" on steam is £17.

Thanks bought that, played the original fear, and some of fear 2 but that bundle at that price ....
AoE II is a better strategic game, although I must admit I do prefer AoE III. If you ask the majority of RTS fans they will say that III is not a patch on II.

£4.49 for the whole lot is really good buy in my opinion if you like medieval RTS games.

Not tried II, but 3 is fantastic, online is great, I spent countless hours on there, no rush 60 games, 3v3 absolute great fun.

Thanks, will get the whole lot! :D
Is crusader kings worth buying ..looked at it about 10 times now ...

EU4 (Europa Universalis IV) and CK2, both by Paradox, run a similar engine. CK2 is based from 1066 - 14XX. EU4 is kind of a continuation in the timeline, 1444 - 1821.

CK2 is more about your dynasty, marrying the right people for alliances, keeping your vassals happy, plotting/stopping plots, changing crown laws etc. You can't attack people at will generally speaking, you need a legitimate reason to go to war.

EU4 is less about the minute details of your nation, and more about the overall thing.

You have a king, you have heirs, or maybe you are a republic. The better these stats are the more points you can spend on coring territory, or annexing vassals, or teching up. But the stats of your leaders aren't the end of the world.

Likewise your army is under your direct control, you can organise your troops however you want, hire mercs, put a general in charge to improve chances of winning battles etc.

The main focus is on carefully planning out your moves, getting the right alliances etc, and ultimately trying to paint the map your colour, or not if you don't want to, you can stay small and grow big too. :)

I personally prefer EU4. CK2 has a harder barrier to entry to understand in my opinion.

If you opt for EU4 instead I can help you get started, learn the ropes. You'll be killing Kebab and Baguette in no time :D
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