So far my wallet is safe... Already own everything I'd consider buying from the current deals (and paid less than they are charging in the sale).
I am in a similar position. There is not really anything I am that interested in. Last Light was a game I wanted for ages, but I picked that up last month.
Watchdogs is a game I would be interested in trying but I cant see that coming down to anything less than £30.
Being a long standing ID fan, and a lover of FPS - Wolfenstein is another game I could be interested in but from what I can tell it is simply just run and gun like RTCW was. I kind of feel like FPS titles should have moved on in this day and age so I won't be buying that until it is in the bargain bucket.
I have to say, though, that in general there has not been anything I have been overly excited about for years. I dont know if that is because I have been gaming for 20 years and feel like I have seen it all, or if it is because of a distinct lack of originality from a lot of AAA titles.
It does seem that the indy scene is where it is at right now, with AAA developers just releasing the same tired formulas in a new box with maybe a couple of extra features.
Having said that, Titanfall has been a refreshing change but there are still just too many game breaking imbalances in that game for me to enjoy it. It just winds me up when I play it, and the matchmaking is still a joke.
Ho hum - maybe one day we will see something that made us feel the same way we felt when we first saw Tomb Raider, or when Half-Life first came out or when we first went online in Unreal Tournament (What I would give for a modern take on a proper arena shooter like UT or Q3). But perhaps part of the problem is that technology is advancing faster than creative ideas can keep up, so nothing feels original on these £1000+ PC's that many of us play on?