Steam Summer sale - 19-30th June

Its been mainly indie/retro style games I've been buying, I'll get that for today, could you sum it up shortly on what you do? If there's levelling, upgrades etc, I'm in!
Got X-com :D But nothing from the new deals interest me (that i havent got...papers please is a cracking game which i recommend)....Banished is the only one but its cheaper on GOG.
I didn't like morrowind or oblivion, so it's against my better judgement that I'm going to buy skyrim. The stuff in the legendary pack doesn't look essential to my cynical eye. Any counter opinions?

They sound a bit naff to me too, but the big overhaul gameplay mods seem to need the expansions now.

I bought Skyrim when it came out but have just had to pick up the 'legendary' version as the separate selling price of the DLCs is daylight robbery. Still for anyone new to the game £7 is ridiculous value.
Don't really understand all these badges and stuff.
Red team won the day, and I've bought loads so far, but seem to have a few cards worth 24p :confused:
Don't really understand all these badges and stuff.
Red team won the day, and I've bought loads so far, but seem to have a few cards worth 24p :confused:

You earn points for crafting badges, which requires completing sets of the cards. This adds to your teams score.
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