Steam Summer sale - 19-30th June

I guess my life has hit a new level of sadness.

In my normal day to day job im an office worker, public sector, work with lots of data and figures, challenging but rewarding work.

So i download papers please and now im obsessed with the tiniest details on peoples passports lol.

Such a simple premise for a game yet has me hooked.

Also i guess im the wrong person to be struck by the "moral" choices in the game, i guess my day job has made me desensitised to the excuses :D

Whats that your son is sick and you need to get into the country to see him, ohh well im sorry your surname on your passport doesnt match your permit. DENIED!

Haha brilliant :) Made me go and buy the game, without this summary I would have never even considered it!!! Thank you.

I also bought banished, anyone know if its any good?
lol good man.

Now a little game for those playing it, i failed the following case by Approving the visa. See if you can tell me why :D


I see no reason to refuse entry. Height and weight details maybe? A memo to say refuse entry from certain countries?

In other news, Banished is great, especially considering how it was made.
Just spent like 4hrs playing Payday2 over skype with some random lads. Very good fun when you can chat and work together. Bloody difficult though!
I know it's prob gna end up the same as previous sales - but I'd really like the stand-alone DLC for skyrim to go for a decent sale price, every sale it always ends up cheaper to re-buy the game+dlc than to just pick up the dlc (if you already own the game :-/)
I haven't seen anything yet that tickles my interest in the sales. Hopefully something comes about soon else it will be worst Steam sale ever for me.
I have 33 games in my wishlist, but tbh I already have too many games. So many games I have bought and then a year later they are much cheaper and I still haven't even played them.

I was after the dlc for Skyrim, but yet again it's £7 :mad::rolleyes:. Basically just screwing people over who bought the game at release. Even the Legendary edition is cheaper that contains all 3 dlcs and the main game...

If Broken Sword 5 is up for a good price i'd get that as I would definitely play that.
I don't know whether to flog all the trading cards I've been getting whilst they are going like hot cakes. Since the start, I've gone mad and played games just to get card drops and crafted a few badges but it's more a chore. I'm not getting any sense of satisfaction from a badge. I think I'd rather have some money in my steam wallet. The foil cards are going for £1.50+.
Mate bought Risk of Rain so we could co op, but we cannot connect.

He gave me the port he forwarded, I typed that in.
He gave me the IP, tried both internal and external.
And his steam name for player name, I keep getting failed to connect. Have tried with firewalls/anti virus off. No luck, any ideas..?

I cant forward my ports, no idea what the router pass is atm.
Mate bought Risk of Rain so we could co op, but we cannot connect.

He gave me the port he forwarded, I typed that in.
He gave me the IP, tried both internal and external.
And his steam name for player name, I keep getting failed to connect. Have tried with firewalls/anti virus off. No luck, any ideas..?

I cant forward my ports, no idea what the router pass is atm.

Me and a friend had this problem. Look up and use a program called Hamachi.

Allowed us to connect straight away.

On another note - how is Nosgoth?
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