Steam Summer Sale 2011


Kind of tempted to get GTA4 to muck about with mates on but had it on PS3 and hated it, mainly due to crappy graphics and car handling that wasn't like previous games.
Is the PC much better to merit me getting it again?
PC GTA4 looks very good but you need a high spec PC with Core i7/Quad Core CPU + 1.5Gb VRam GPU to max it out then it looks pretty decent. The console versions look horrible only the PC can handle this game & even then you need a decent PC!!!!
Hi, iv already got L4D2 but do you think its worth getting L4D1? (havent played it yet so dont knw if the story continues like Fear?)


No, they will be porting all the campaigns from L4D1 to L4D2 in the coming months therefore there is no point in getting it unless you want to play them straight away.
anyone playing Spiral Knights to get the firecrackers for the ticket?

well it took me a long time to find out where to buy them and then found out they cost 3000 'crowns' :eek:
so whats the best way to earn these crowns?
anyone playing Spiral Knights to get the firecrackers for the ticket?

well it took me a long time to find out where to buy them and then found out they cost 3000 'crowns' :eek:
so whats the best way to earn these crowns?

I think I got about 500 crowns per a dungeon so it doesn't take too long, luckily I found someone selling them for 1000 :)
Don't want to sound cheeky but has anyone got a copy of GTA IV they could sell me? I've bought the DLC's (BOGT and TLATD) so i'm just missing the original.
What are the chances of Terraria being in the roundup sale?

Not sure as its been in the highest selling games in the steam list for christ knows how many weeks before the sale and the RRP is quite suitable for it. Got nothing to lose by waiting for the end of the sale though!

I'm still waiting for deadspace 2 to get some sort of discount, hopefully a hefty one.
Nothing for me again today (my fault for going crazy at Christmas!)

I bought fallout nv and m&b fire and sword a couple of days ago and have been enjoying both.

Hoping fallout 3 appears in the daily sales soon.
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