Just done the cold stream achievement for the ticket and after a very long break from the game, it was pretty damn hard lol. The atomic zombie smasher achievement doesn't want to work though. Waited til july, saved 107 people and it didn't trigger. Quite annoying.
If I ever see that map ever again it'll be too soon.
We decided to try it on Expert, didn't realise some of the stuff had changed. Failed the second level a couple of times, first because we didn't realise the hordes were now endless and second because its a ****ing joke how often the horde spawns. Finale is a complete farce though. The first 2 bits before the tank, commons drop down practically everywhere making it impossible to defend and equally as impossible to sprint through. The tank plus the horde is impossible on Expert, so after a few failures we dropped it to Advanced... then it turns out the next area you get huge infected spawns the instant you kill the previous mob making it almost impossible to push forwards, followed by more tank spawns. After failing several more times we got sick of it and dropped it to Normal.
Basically, don't even try. The finale is so badly designed with infected spawning constantly and right in front of you without a chance to advance.