Steam Summer Sale 2011

Just done the cold stream achievement for the ticket and after a very long break from the game, it was pretty damn hard lol. The atomic zombie smasher achievement doesn't want to work though. Waited til july, saved 107 people and it didn't trigger. Quite annoying.

If I ever see that map ever again it'll be too soon.

We decided to try it on Expert, didn't realise some of the stuff had changed. Failed the second level a couple of times, first because we didn't realise the hordes were now endless and second because its a ****ing joke how often the horde spawns. Finale is a complete farce though. The first 2 bits before the tank, commons drop down practically everywhere making it impossible to defend and equally as impossible to sprint through. The tank plus the horde is impossible on Expert, so after a few failures we dropped it to Advanced... then it turns out the next area you get huge infected spawns the instant you kill the previous mob making it almost impossible to push forwards, followed by more tank spawns. After failing several more times we got sick of it and dropped it to Normal.

Basically, don't even try. The finale is so badly designed with infected spawning constantly and right in front of you without a chance to advance.
If I ever see that map ever again it'll be too soon.

We decided to try it on Expert, didn't realise some of the stuff had changed. Failed the second level a couple of times, first because we didn't realise the hordes were now endless and second because its a ****ing joke how often the horde spawns. Finale is a complete farce though. The first 2 bits before the tank, commons drop down practically everywhere making it impossible to defend and equally as impossible to sprint through. The tank plus the horde is impossible on Expert, so after a few failures we dropped it to Advanced... then it turns out the next area you get huge infected spawns the instant you kill the previous mob making it almost impossible to push forwards, followed by more tank spawns. After failing several more times we got sick of it and dropped it to Normal.

Basically, don't even try. The finale is so badly designed with infected spawning constantly and right in front of you without a chance to advance.

Yeah I also noticed that the director AI mode was set to constant spawn as the nav wasn't set up properly at all. Can prove it by walking around buildings quickly and you can literally see zombies pop up spawning on the second level. Its a shame as the first level is extremely well made, but the second and last haven't had the same amount of time put into them at all in terms of level design and polish. I did the level on easy in single player after a failed attempt with other players online on normal. I had to save the grenade launcher for the constant spawning hordes towards the end (going down the stream where you can't get out of it etc).

On the other hand, I still cannot get the atom zombie smasher "rescue 100 people in july" achievement as it doesn't trigger -.- (and yeah, I make sure its in july in the game and on a rescue mission before anyone asks :P)
If I ever see that map ever again it'll be too soon.

We decided to try it on Expert, didn't realise some of the stuff had changed. Failed the second level a couple of times, first because we didn't realise the hordes were now endless and second because its a ****ing joke how often the horde spawns. Finale is a complete farce though. The first 2 bits before the tank, commons drop down practically everywhere making it impossible to defend and equally as impossible to sprint through. The tank plus the horde is impossible on Expert, so after a few failures we dropped it to Advanced... then it turns out the next area you get huge infected spawns the instant you kill the previous mob making it almost impossible to push forwards, followed by more tank spawns. After failing several more times we got sick of it and dropped it to Normal.

Basically, don't even try. The finale is so badly designed with infected spawning constantly and right in front of you without a chance to advance.

Holy crap.........that was a nightmare. I can't believe I spent an hour and a half of my night running through that rubbish when I could have spent the time pulling my eyelashes out with a cocktail stick and a tube of superglue.

Constant horde dropping from the sides of the embankment, special infected one after the other - no subsititute for a better designed map. I guess they thought "Sod it, I can't be bothered to make a decent finale, we'll just make it practically impossible by filling the entire map in infected"

I did break out in a fit of giggles towards the back end of our 'attempts' though as it was just a complete joke. Squark got mullered by a shed load of infected (no change there then!) pinning him in the corner, I ran over and made a futile attempt to pick him up and ended up laying next to him (ooer), a jockey drops from behind and downs link in a single swipe but manages to kill it with his magnum from the river bed. Evil gets him up, and a smoker traps link again...followed by another charger. They eventually manage to get me up and squark who is immediately downed by a charger spitter combo and link is on the floor again due to another jockey. I couldn't shoot straight because I was actually crying with laughter at the debacle that had arisen from a well meaning attempt to get a lucky ticket in the prize give away that we have no chance of winning anyway.

Actually thinking about it, out of the hour and a half, squark was 'resting' on his back covered in zombie guts for a good hour of that time :D

true story bro.
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That was a funny moment. We saw every single special infected in the space of 20 seconds. Every time I tried to pick someone up I'd get attacked by another one, then when I finally got him up a Boomer came out of nowhere and got him. Followed by at least 3 more SI before I could get the other 2 up ><

I think Squark kept shooting Link by accident and must've set off almost every car alarm we came across... despite being on the lowest health and always suffering for it. Thankgod for that defib :p
Is FarCry 1 worth buying if iv already got FarCry 2?

Its vastly better than farcry 2 and is a very solid shooter with still rather nice graphics. Use to be an extremely demanding game before crysis came out and pushed the boat out even further lol.

Been getting some of the achievements tonight. Got the RUSH one after about an hour of headscratching and REALLY enjoyed getting the killingfloor one. The circus update is seriously good and the level is so well designed, plus the new enemies are interesting and better modelled than the others. Very impressed
Has anyone played the DLC for Far Cry 2? If so, what is it like? Worth buying for that alone?
Three brand-new weapons: Silenced shotgun, Sawed-off shotgun, Crossbow
Two new vehicles: Unimog, Quad
Multiplayer additional content:
Additional weapons and four new exciting maps: Cheap Labor, Last Resort, Lake Smear, Fort Fury

Seems pretty meh too me. I wouldn't rebuy the fortunes edition if you've already got the standard game.
Nothing for me today thankfully, already got Batman AA on 360 and not fancying paying another £4 just for the sake of having it on Steam too. Picked up that Beat Hazard yesterday for a couple of quid, great little game that is :)

Loosecannon said:
91 games listed on steam. Only 2 cost over £12. Played less than half. Thats the power of steam sales!

That's more accurate for me :P
That zombie atom smasher game is quite fun

Indeed, quite a tactical game, though it gets really frustrating when your Infantry is out of action and you get lumbered with stuff like Mines, Dynamite and Artillery for 3 months in a row so you just don't have a prayer.
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