Steam Summer Sale 2011

Is FarCry 1 worth buying if iv already got FarCry 2?

FarCry 1 is awesome!

Yes some of the graphics look dated, but they still look very nice fully maxed, and its' only recent games like Crysis that have bettered the jungle look.

Single player campaign is LONG! :eek:

Makes a change to COD's 4-hour run-and-gun fest, it'll take you a good while to get through it.

Slightly annoyingly, the Steam version is patched to 1.4, which slightly borkes some of the 'visibility through walls' so you occasionally find you get shot at through a tent or something when you can't see the enemies. :(

I don't think it gets in the way too many times though.
Should I buy L4D2 or GTA4 pack? Played both but only really briefly, and I am swaying towards the GTA4 because it looks a lot better value for money ?

Also what are the chances of say the GTA4 pack being that cheap later on/last day of the sale ?
Bought lfd1& 2, gta iv + episodes from liberty city & batman goty edition for £15 !
Prob wont play them like the other 20 games i have bought in the last few weeks :)
Been playing Assassins Creed 2 a bit, I quite like it, well worth the fiver or so it cost.

And now I have to buy Batman and GTA4? Bloody hell.
Not really bought anything this sale except for a couple of bit of DLC for Just cause 2 and the Wings of Prey DLC.

Don't have time to play and nothing has really jumped out at me :(

Added my X3:TC key to steam and might have to start that up again. Use my tickets for the free zone!
Seems pretty meh too me. I wouldn't rebuy the fortunes edition if you've already got the standard game.

Thanks, 'tis what I expected I guess. I considered going for that and Far Cry 2 even though I have played the game before, simply because it's so cheap. It's a real shame that we can't mod it, and as you say it's probably not worth it. I'll put the money saved towards something else. :)
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