Steam Summer Sale 2011

Already got loads they've put up, many I've had for ages, including KF yeah.

I do have a few I'm still to play, but always up for more! :D
I've got LFD1 & 2 (among many others!) still to play in my library. Is Killing Floor really worth it over Left for Dead? At current rate I may be drawing my pension before I have the chance to play it...
Should I get the thq hit pack and then be disallowed games till December?

Given the games coming out between September and then, maybe not, unless you are good at waiting. Also yeah the DoW games will last you a good while, but they are all very similar and you might just get bored of them (the genre not the games) and want something else.
I've got LFD1 & 2 (among many others!) still to play in my library. Is Killing Floor really worth it over Left for Dead? At current rate I may be drawing my pension before I have the chance to play it...

Very different sort of game as its waved based and you have to earn money to buy your weapons and ammunition. Definitely worth it though as its seriously good fun online.
Yeah i wouldnt buy a pack anuraj, if anything Id get something multiplayer wise to tide you over untill the better games hit at the end of the year.
Getting a gaming pc in 8 days metro should be a good test and some of these other games look good.

So you're getting a new PC shortly, but want to buy a pack containing mostly oldish games that means you won't be allowed to buy any new games for another six months...?

Why not just buy a handful of cheap great games to tide you over, and buy some more later in the year, rather than blow it all on one bundle that's mostly the same kind of game...
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