Steam Summer Sale 2011

Yes. :) You can use the features from any supported games if they're installed.

Thanks, that's good to know :)

Cheers everyone for your advice, I'm going to have to turn down buying LC:TGOL though as I've barely touched previous games bought in the sale so far. to play the Audiosurf demo as I'm a cheap *******.
@ anuraj

If you want it and are allowed to get it, get it.

Sounds like if you get a yes from your parents you should just run with it. Good luck :)
Audiosurf demo is pretty fun, just some parts of the game don't fit in well with the music and on others its spot on.

89p though, can't complain. Downloading the full game :)
Really impressed with Frozen Synapse. Getting some major Xcom vibes.

Also brought kings bounty bundle and atom zombie smasher, which i havent got round to playing yet.
CoH is an absolute steal at that price. But to be honest, it's been in the sales SOOOO many times I find it hard to believe that there isn't anybody out there who hasn't got it already for a good price!
Not sure which Tomb Raider get; Guardian of Light or Anniversary. Anyone have both?

Anniversary is quite good but essentially a remake of the original. Guardian of light is a top down something or other, again quite good but very different from anything in the series so far. My advice, get both :p
What to install first?

whats your favourite type of game?

Gah, I've already completed risen. It was an ok rpg to quench my rpg withdrawal symptoms, but putting the price up has just put me off getting it again for another play through.

Coh is good.
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