Steam Summer Sale 2011

Any of those C&C games worth it or are they all tosh? Like most people here I LOVED Red Alert, and didn't mind Red Alert 2, but once they started putting guns on dolphins it all went a bit downhill...

...a better question might be: "Is it worth pay £3 to watch Gemma Atkinson's cut scenes?" ;)
Like a lot of them, want to get into rts though. What to choose darksider, coh or dawn of war.

Not mentioned metro as it wont work on my laptop.

Dawn of war or company of heroes then.

I've only played the old C&c games I've never touched these new ones so I'd like to know if any of them are good aswell!
Is RIFT any good? Screen shot's look pretty nice? Anything I need to know about it? EDIT: bah nevermind.. monthly subscription :-(

Is Command and Conquer 4 and good?
Any of those C&C games worth it or are they all tosh? Like most people here I LOVED Red Alert, and didn't mind Red Alert 2, but once they started putting guns on dolphins it all went a bit downhill...

...a better question might be: "Is it worth pay £3 to watch Gemma Atkinson's cut scenes?" ;)

the tiberium series is very good and stick's to its roots but red alreat 1 was a epic game of all asspects :D
Like a lot of them, want to get into rts though. What to choose darksider, coh or dawn of war.

Not mentioned metro as it wont work on my laptop.

Glad to see you finally got the THQ pack, hope you enjoy it :)
Reading from earlier, no games until December? I know you're quite young but you could get a paper round so you can start saving up for some of the big games coming out later this year as you're getting a new comp.
Nothing for me today \o/ maybe Audiosurf just for the sake of it since it's 89p. Think this is probably the only day so far I have pretty much all the games on the daily already :P Still, hoping for some Dead Space action before the 10th!

Anyone into RTS's or even remotely interested should pick up Company of Heroes.
Nothing today for me. :)

So far it's Just Cause 2 and Killing Floor with DLC's in grand total of £8.60 Can't go wrong there.
Alien Breed 2 any good? I've got 4 tickets available. I haven't looked at them until today, should I hang onto them?

I've been playing a bit of Alien Breed 2: Assault myself and found it to be very fun, it only cost 3 tickets so who cares :)

If you fancy some co op add me.

What c&c do people recommend for multiplayer? Also, which Company of Heroes has the most players still playing online?
I'm sure i've been getting junk emails from the official RIFT site offering it for $4.99, think that was available up till yesterday.
meh was thinking of getting Risen but seeing as they put the price up im not going to bother with it :p

So nothing really for me today
Glad to see you finally got the THQ pack, hope you enjoy it :)
Reading from earlier, no games until December? I know you're quite young but you could get a paper round so you can start saving up for some of the big games coming out later this year as you're getting a new comp.

No games until December? Oh that could be painful if the increasing rumours of Diablo 3 coming in November end up being true :)
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