Steam Summer Sale 2011

meh was thinking of getting Risen but seeing as they put the price up im not going to bother with it :p

So nothing really for me today

How much was Risen originally? It should be 75% off - they seem to be trying to get every penny they can out of that game. Have been waiting for it for ages.
How much was Risen originally? It should be 75% off - they seem to be trying to get every penny they can out of that game. Have been waiting for it for ages.

It was showing on the front screen at 75% off, so a fiver, but 66% when you went into the game to buy it.

I am disappoint.
Red alert 3 was average IMO, It was not a terrible game, and there are some who make like it, but for people who realy enjoyed the early C&C games most likely wont like RA3, its too cartoony with poor gameplay.

Some of the cutscenes weren't too bad though :D
People with bad download speeds, tried the TCPView thing? I use it sometimes when I can't get good speeds, basically just load it up when downloading something, and if the speed is poor just end the TCP connection with the program and Steam auto finds another one, which might be better. It helped me again the other day getting DA: Origins when I was struggling to push 300 kb/s, eventually got a server that maxed my connection and stayed consistant.
anyone found a decent server to get good speeds from? During the christmas sales I used good old vietnam, but even now that is slow.
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