Steam Summer Sale 2011

You probably have a chance of getting a refund on Steam if you mention the pricing and that you've obviously not even downloaded it but really it was stupid of you to just click through without looking.
Bought quite a bit today, ME2, FO3 goty, Amnesia and Universe Sandbox, along with Batman AA and BFBC2 from other days.

That was my initial basket today but decided against buying Mass Effect 2 as it's still a bit on the expensive side considering it doesn't include any DLC. It's bound to be cheaper on the Christmas Sale and I wouldn't have time to play it by then anyway.
I'm quite annoyed, I thought I had no cash but upon letting my girl check my account so she can fill out a form it seems I have money :confused:

Wish I had checked before the sale, missed New Vegas :'(!!

Has the Portal Bundle been on sale yet? More than 33% I mean.. or do you think it will be on sale later the sale?

Really sad I missed New Vegas :(
The problem I found with The Last Remnant is that there are lots of little frustrations that get in the way of a great game. There is TONs of loading, sevearly limited customisation of characters other than the main guy, many missable quests/unique leaders that you will never get a chance to obtain of you happen to pass certain points in the story before doing other quests.

The story is quite good, and the battle mechanics are fun (although can take a while to master), but ever since my HDD died and I lost my save not far from the end I just couldn't put up with the loading to try and play it all again.
I bought fallout 3 today, I had been hoping it would appear on a daily sale. I bought new Vegas earlier in the sale and have been enjoying that a lot.

I am considering splinter cell conviction, i imagine i will enjoy it, but I am worried i will struggle to find the time to play it.

A very good day today all round. If you don't have them Mass Effect 1&2 are must buys at this price. Great games and you will sink hours in to them.

Amnesia is also great value at this price - I would say it is a must have for anyone into
PC gaming as it is very original, and you should experience it first hand.

Empire & Napoleon are also very well priced as well. they are games you can spend a lot of time on - I have 62 hours on empire and I am yet to complete a campaign.

Mafia is easily worth a fiver. It is not a "great" game but is decent, an I really enjoyed completing it earlier this year.
This one's really got me by the balls... universe sandbox... empire & napoleon... worms reloaded... mass effect 2... Splinter Cell Conviction (already got it off game but steam version's always good)...

Not sure I deserve an early birthday present :D
for ANY flight sim fan A10 is worth every penny of the £20 - just buy it :)

best sim I've ever played (and I'veplayed a lot)

I paid full retail - 20% discount and I've had so much enjoyment out of it
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