I bought fallout 3 today, I had been hoping it would appear on a daily sale. I bought new Vegas earlier in the sale and have been enjoying that a lot.
I am considering splinter cell conviction, i imagine i will enjoy it, but I am worried i will struggle to find the time to play it.
A very good day today all round. If you don't have them Mass Effect 1&2 are must buys at this price. Great games and you will sink hours in to them.
Amnesia is also great value at this price - I would say it is a must have for anyone into
PC gaming as it is very original, and you should experience it first hand.
Empire & Napoleon are also very well priced as well. they are games you can spend a lot of time on - I have 62 hours on empire and I am yet to complete a campaign.
Mafia is easily worth a fiver. It is not a "great" game but is decent, an I really enjoyed completing it earlier this year.