Steam Summer Sale 2011

Just picked up the DOW2 gold pack (due to chaos rising which is all I wanted being the same price as the gold pack, so sent DOW2 as a gift to my housemate lol) and the just cause 2 DLC + shogun 2 DLC whilst its discounted.
I almost bought the THQ pack (£34.99), but then I realised I could get Metro 2033 for £4.99 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R (radioactive edition) for £5.99 from Play. Not really interested in the rest...
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Ohhh thank god thats over. Please, please, please no daily deals or midweek madness sales for a while, my poor battered wallet can't take anymore. Though as an added bonus I think the damage in this years Christmas sales will be a lot more manageable :D. Now just need to find the time to get through my backlog...
I walked away from the sale only £21 lighter and gave in to Terraria in the last 10 minutes.
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Only JC2 and Magicka:Vietnam for me. Steam sales are more hype than substance imho :p Also the stuff I wanted wasn't there, so boo!
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