Steam Summer Sale 2020

Just went mental with DCS modules

Think I'm hooked

My virpil Throttle and stick turned up this week too. Next week the mounts will be here aswell...

Not sure I have any money left for a 3080ti when they arrive
What are these point things? Apparently ive got 20,000. But you only get 124 for every £1 you spend. oh lord what has my wallet been letting me do these past years?
Kind of tempted by Doom Eternal but the whole Denuvo anti-cheat debacle has put me right off. I know they've disabled it but who's to say they won't bring it back later?
Lol i totally blinded out. Golden, animated avatar, with a few VR toys.

Some reason i had 90k in points, only pity is you can't blow it on game purchases like last summer.
Picked up Doom Internal and No Mans Sky.

I had a random £4 something in my steam account, that with the £5 off for spending over £30 worked out cheaper than CD keys so I thought why not.

Those will be the only two I'll be getting.
I didn’t bother with the golden profile as it’s only 30 days use and I was miffed when my Chinese one expired. So I plunked for the psychedelic animated ink background. Very groovy. I need to spend a few more quid to get the animated avatar border next, Portal Orange.
Sonic Generations for 75p, might pick up Doom 64 and Duke Nukem 3D as they are both under £2

also looking at Celestian Tales : Realms Beyond and Azure Saga: Pathfinder
Punted on terminator resistance, mother Russia bleeds, some walking dead and mega drive genesis pack.

Was on the look out for some vr titles bit I have most of the top selling ones on sale. The other good titles aren't reduced.

EDIT - SEGA genesis works in VR, result!
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Just a heads up that if you have Xbox Game Pass then make sure you check if it's already free or not on Xbox store before you buy it on Steam in case that affects your decision to buy it.
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