Stellaris - Paradox Interactive

never was a fan of civ, but i love my sins of a solar empire/homeworld stuff

lots of spacey combat to be had?
Got it on kiguin as already had Ann account 23.07

Time tot be disappointed like the other half dozen 4x games I've brought on release day or at alpha. I hope I'm wrong but my hit rate in last few years has been zero.
never was a fan of civ, but i love my sins of a solar empire/homeworld stuff

lots of spacey combat to be had?

Plenty but largly all you're doing is telling your fleet to attack another fleet. You don't micromanage the battle. Your only real influence over it is the composition of your ships, so what type of weapons, how much shields/armour, etc.

Each fleet has a score but its not just as simple as a score of 100 beats a score of 80, as the 100 might use missiles only but the 80 has point defence systems on board, for example.

Have at alook at Quinn18s videos on youtube for an idea. I love me some Sins and Homeworld too, but this doesn't play like the latter and its a much grander scale than the former.
I find IGN to be a joke most of the time. They gave Alien Isolation 5.9/10 and that was my personal game of the year for 2014. So I'll pay little heed to their review :D

The points the reviewer made are valid. The only question is, do the negatives have an impact on the overall experience or not? Judging by what I've personally read, I would say this game is 1-2 steps behind EUIV and CK2.
I'd be up for that. I just played about 30 minutes worth of the game with the full tutorial and it certainly seems easier than most other Paradox games. Enjoying it so far but it is a slow starting game until you meet other races and do a bit of research.

If any of you are going to do a multiplayer game I'd like to join in although I can imagine it lasting an awful long time :D.

Awesome, sent you a friend request on steam
Really enjoying it so far, wish I had more time to play it tonight. Quick question, does anyone know if you can play as the same race in multiplayer , share control of a race I mean?
This is really interesting me, but I keep hearing how it's easier to get into than EUIV and CK2. Is someone with 1250 hours of EUIV going to find enough depth here?
Enjoying it so far too. I like the little random events that come up in the style of other Paradox games, normally I get bored after a few hours of 4X games but this has me hooked. Only come across a couple of AI species so far and they are both friendly, hopefully there are some super aggressive ones too that attack no matter what to make things even more interesting.
do i need to worry about the stuttering issues ? just reading a few on the steam reviews ?
do i need to worry about the stuttering issues ? just reading a few on the steam reviews ?

They've identified it and will be patching today or tomorrow once its gone through QA, but there might be a beta patch in the interim.
Who's playing in ironman mode then ? Being a Paradox game I should have realised that achievements won't be recognised if that option is deselected. Think I'll restart my campaign today with ironman switched on now that I have a good feel for the game. Really enjoying the game thus far :)
Only got to play it for a couple of hours after work last night, really enjoying it though.

I will say however there are a few QOL I'd like to see. The main one is the ability to upgrade defense platforms/stations without having to scrap/rebuild it.
i sunk a couple of hours in last night, some questions for anyone in the know:

Is there a research priority I should be paying attention to? I have to keep stopping what I assume is important research (colony ship - 60months) every time I encounter another race (as it requires the same research slot). Is this normal or can I avoid this?

Is it possible to expand my borders early game before colonizing other planets? I notice a lot of the adjacent systems are "unknown" and it says I cant build there even after they are fully surveyed.

Are Edicts worth it to begin with or should I be saving my currency for recruiting scientists and the like? 150 seems a lot early game.

Cheers :)
I'm really enjoying it so far myself, however it does seem a little basic compared to EU4 and CK2. I expect a lot of the mechanics will be fleshed out over time with DLC though. I only had one issue which was some weirdness with the tooltips. In full screen mode at 3440x1440 they would take a couple of mouseovers to show but a restart of the game into windowed mode sorted it out.

i sunk a couple of hours in last night, some questions for anyone in the know:

Is there a research priority I should be paying attention to? I have to keep stopping what I assume is important research (colony ship - 60months) every time I encounter another race (as it requires the same research slot). Is this normal or can I avoid this?

Is it possible to expand my borders early game before colonizing other planets? I notice a lot of the adjacent systems are "unknown" and it says I cant build there even after they are fully surveyed.

Are Edicts worth it to begin with or should I be saving my currency for recruiting scientists and the like? 150 seems a lot early game.

Cheers :)

I've ignored edicts so far and used the influence to build Frontier Posts. These extend your territory and allow you to build and colonise in new systems.

I have the same questions about research, I've no clue what I'm supposed to be going for. So far I've taken some ship upgrade ones due to meeting an unfriendly race and try to grab the ones that let me colonise new planet types.
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