Good evening, everyone.
My plan was to not discuss the whole situation any further right now. Like many of you, we wanted to keep this whole thing from dragging out, so we set our piece. Steve from Gamers Nexus wrote a manifesto that could probably be best summed up as "no, you," and then it was done—or so we thought. Shortly before, Lewis Rossman released an hour-long hit piece, and in a now deleted comment, Steve mentioned he had seen the video before it went live, making it clear that at the very least, he was involved in reviewing this video before publication.
When other creators reached out to us in support, we explicitly discouraged any escalation, while Steve seems to be doing the opposite. So, here we are, more or less forced to respond yet again, but we'll keep it much, much shorter this time. Steve asked me to direct any further communications about his ethical breach and persistent defamatory statements to his lawyer. As I clearly stated before, I don't have a lawyer involved and I don't want one involved. I wrote last week's address myself with feedback from my team, and this much shorter wrap-up will come from me as well.
The core issue has not been addressed at all. Because of ethical and process errors, Steve published false and damaging information about a competitor. Right of reply matters both because it is essential for accurate reporting and because scandal travels much faster and is a lot stickier in people's minds than the "oh oops, never mind" that comes out when the allegations are found to be false. There's actually a good thread on the subreddit that you guys can check out. That is not the visual for it, but that's fine. The point is that this is so much worse now.
Faced with the unavoidable fact that he got it wrong and caused a bunch of damage with his actions, Steve has outright refused to apologize, correct, or retract any of his false statements. That's next level, man. I am extremely grateful that so many of you are seeing how misrepresentative the original reporting was, both around the Billet Lab situation and around the Honey thing. I want to applaud the maturity of the many, many folks who have come out and said, "Hey, I'm sorry that I raised a pitchfork while I didn't have the full story."
I'm still deeply saddened by the virality of Steve's first video. Because of that, many will never hear the truth, a fact that is worsened by Steve's ongoing refusal to issue any corrections or retractions in spite of the fact that his reporting on me contains clear objective errors and misquotes. So, in summary, Steve's response shows that his standards for himself fall far short of the standards he holds others to. And look, dude, stealthily removing the word "journalism" from the GN Patreon changes nothing. This whole thing is getting, quite frankly, kind of pathetic.
Even my (and I quote) "terrible response" to the original hitpiece acknowledged issues on our side, laid out a path forward—which we have taken, I am so proud of our team—and it included words like "no excuses," "I need to own the mistakes," and "sorry." Steve's response contained no such introspection and no better path forward. His mask is now truly off for anyone who used to appreciate him for his ethics and objectivity. As it turns out, he only cares about those things when it's convenient.
On that note, just because somebody's running a masterclass in deflection and misdirection, that doesn't mean that absolutely everything they say is wrong. So the last thing I'm going to do today is what you guys rightly expect of me. I will meet my faults and my errors head-on. I'm sorry that I used unprofessional language, and if I ever said this (truthfully, I don't recall it), but if I did, I take that back 100%. I'm sorry, and I will work to do better.
So where do we go now? I don't know, guys. I see your calls to end the drama, but I can only control my side in this. My team and I have made corrections and retractions where needed, and we will continue to do so. There are a couple of fixes that we need for the 90 video—they're pinned under the video, and we're getting all of that sorted. Meanwhile, the other side is spitting on our olive branch, lawyering up, publicly attacking my credibility with no indication that it will end, and now seemingly colluding with other creators to smear me in public.
I don't want to play this stupid game anymore; there are only stupid prizes to be won. So, yeah, I think I've said enough for now. Obviously, I'm aware of Rossman's video—we alluded to it earlier—and I have some idea what it's about. In the lead-up, he was corresponding with me, but I don't think now's the time for that. Right now is the time to hang out with awesome people who matter, and that's you guys. Welcome to the W Show, everyone.