** Mod edit - Quote removed **
I'm not sure if you're expressing agreement or disagreement, I'm assuming the latter.
Whether you disagree or agree, the facts remain; this phone was not stolen because some smack head wanted a fancy Phone and wanted to faff around with apps and crapps. It was stolen because he is a junkie and wanted to sell it in order to fund an expensive drug habit. Just look at the photo of the crack den does it look like he holds on to nice things? certainly not!
The second fact is, all drugs are intrinsically completely worthless evidenced by the following; it costs absolutely nothing to produce, farmers get paid virtually nothing for producing tonnes upon tonnes of pure Colombian. Now ask yourself where is this added value coming from when a gram of cocaine costs 20p/g at origin, and then magically inflates to over £50/g at point of sale, that's a 25,000% increase. Not only is it already massively inflated, by the time its in the hands of the user, it's also almost completely impure. A criminal will sell pretty much 1 penny worth of cocaine for £50, that's almost 500,000% increase
and people wonder why children in London are murdering each-other to get a piece of that pie, and at the same time they call me, a person versed in criminology and sociology, retarded at the same time. Hahahahah
Why is it inflated by half a million percent? What has happened between origin and point of sale? Because a 500,000% increase is truly astronomical!
The answer is, a few people have broken the law. The fact is when something is this illegal and enforced it limits the job specification of the supply chain to "criminals". They're taking a risk, they are in complete control, and naturally they want to maximise their profits.
Based on these undeniable facts, the solution to the problem of these junkies and ALL drug associated crime such as gang related murders, is to end the artificial inflation of drugs.
If drugs were available for what they were worth, it would completely end at least 98% of all drug related crime which ever happens. Children wouldn't be killing each other so they can sell drugs, people wouldn't be nicking iPhones to buy drugs, the hopeless junkies would be put out of their misery overnight instead of endlessly going round nicking things trying their best to OD, junkies who take as much as they need will continue taking as much as they want. Criminal drug distribution networks will be shut down overnight, the entire drugs economy completely shattered overnight. New and potential drug addicts won't have dealers preying on them hoping for them to get addicted. I mean the benefits are absolutely endless.