Story behind your forum username?

Years ago I was fatfurryelephant. I think this teacher had a software at school called furry elephant, and I was quite rotund so I added fat to it. My steam login is still [email protected] as I can't change it.

Eventually I ended up going to a LAN centre where my friend played as Treebeard, so I became Bilbo Baggins. This was back in the CS 1.6 days. eventually I had to think of a new name and randomly came up with dirtychinchilla. There's no special story behind it...

Pretty dull!
I was gaming under the username MoRT back in the RS Raven Shield and COD4 days, having been a big fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels at the time I liked the idea of death's apprentice, so took his name - Mort. Have also used Morticus and more recently MoRT489, which was BF3's suggested username when neither of mine were available :mad:, so changed my forum name to match that.
It was a sticker on a bios chip in an old RM desktop PC back in school. Certainly beats the super cringey standard young teenager style name i was using to play delta force land warrior online prior to discovering it...
Mine is a combination of my then career, the CPU I wanted and my sheer ineptitude at selecting a forum username.

I had been a long time lurker of this forum, reading, educating myself about all things IT.

It was only when I needed to ask a question that I signed up. At that time, I was serving in the Royal Air Force as a Policeman. We had many (un)affectionate names amongst Servicemen, one of the least insulting was 'The Feds'. Much akin to the FBI.

At the same time, I was building a new machine about the same time the 1st gen iProcessors were released by Intel. I desperately wanted an i7 920, so the username FBi7 was born.

FWIW, I couldn't afford an i7 920, so I got an i5 750 instead. When that died, I bought my current i5 4690k.

About 9 months ago, I built my mate an i9/RTX2080 rig with all components purchased from ocuk.

I've never owned an i7 CPU :mad:

I now have an i7 CPU :D
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