Stranger Things (Netflix)

Did you see what happened on Jan 6th? Partly helped due to the support of fox, breitbart, news max, the other looney stations they now have.
Tbh, no I didn't really follow it very closely no. But I guess you're saying the news stations have a big influence on people? So... when the news station announced it was this cult...?
Just finished watching it. Last episode really didn't need to be 2 hours 20 minutes long. Way too much filler in there if you ask me. But overall I enjoyed season 4 far more than 3.
Just finished watching it. Last episode really didn't need to be 2 hours 20 minutes long. Way too much filler in there if you ask me. But overall I enjoyed season 4 far more than 3.
Honestly I didn't think it was too padded out at all, loved it and would have happily taken another 30 minutes lol.
Don't know about you guys but Hopper in Russia was draaaged to death. The story still could have progressed without him.

They should have killed Sam the first time round and kept Eddie alive.

And the heck is up with Will? Actually they should have killed him off. Is he gonna stop crying?
Don't know about you guys but Hopper in Russia was draaaged to death. The story still could have progressed without him.

They should have killed Sam the first time round and kept Eddie alive.

And the heck is up with Will? Actually they should have killed him off. Is he gonna stop crying?

Will was pretty awesome in series 2 but yeah he has basically been reduced to spidey sense on his neck.
I hope they're going to do better with Will if he's going to be central to S5, that was not a good season for him, the Will and Mike scenes were pretty cringe and slowed the show down.

Sad to see Eddie go, not Sam and hopefully that's the end of Matthew Modine's involvement (nothing against him), but all that "special kids in the lab" stuff has been mined dry.
Just finished it tonight. Felt more like the opener to a new season than a conclusion to this season. Disappointed a bit.
I hope they're going to do better with Will if he's going to be central to S5, that was not a good season for him, the Will and Mike scenes were pretty cringe and slowed the show down.

Sad to see Eddie go, not Sam and hopefully that's the end of Matthew Modine's involvement (nothing against him), but all that "special kids in the lab" stuff has been mined dry.
That and the lesbian chickas all felt a bit whatever. The only love story required in this show is Jim + Joyce and Eleven + Mike IMO.
Sad to see Eddie go, not Sam and hopefully that's the end of Matthew Modine's involvement (nothing against him), but all that "special kids in the lab" stuff has been mined dry.
tbh, i thought it was a really good way to do a "prequel" story, without it being a prequel. very smart. the only issue i take is that his final scene before seasaon4, was him standing right next to a demogorgon. he survived because the camera cut away, no other way possible.
The only love story required in this show is Jim + Joyce and Eleven + Mike IMO
what about...

max and lucas?
dustin and his girl?

you're so heartless :p
Will was pretty awesome in series 2 but yeah he has basically been reduced to spidey sense on his neck.
Hopefully they have something for him big in final season because he was great in the first two seasons. The gay thing was needless filler that felt alittle tick box the actor couldn't really pull off, sorry. The lesbian thing felt quite refreshing actually and she pulled it off nicely so not sure what motivation they had to make Will gay as well.

Let's just not go too far with representation, otherwise we'll end up with every community from wheelchair bound to tourettes complaining at the lack of inclusion.

Best season outside of 1st in my opinion thoug, 1st, 4th, 2nd, 3rd.
just watched the trailer. my oh my what a great trailer that was, but also, just endless spoilers. why'd they need to reveal so much
I've mentioned it in the film thread before but research into general public and viewing habits overwhelmingly shows that the majority want spoiler ridden trailers. Most people want to know exactly what they're going to get before putting the time into a movie/tv show.

It's the main reason i'll watch a teaser and try not to watch a full length trailer these days.
I don't really like metal but now I have Metallica on full blast in the car. :cry:
That's better than the Kate Bush "Running Up That Hill..." earworm that I'm now walking round with. :)

First episode or two weren't that great and some of the characters are a bit irritating (pizza guy with the weird long hair) but further in now and it's become pretty much addictive viewing.
That's better than the Kate Bush "Running Up That Hill..." earworm that I'm now walking round with. :)

First episode or two weren't that great and some of the characters are a bit irritating (pizza guy with the weird long hair) but further in now and it's become pretty much addictive viewing.

There is a decent dance mix of Kate Bush, if you like that kinda stuff. :p

Sadly I listened to about 20 Metallica songs and only like master of puppets. :cry:
Feels like this season was hastily/lazily written where they didn't know how to end it, Eddie a walking cliche with a truly pointless end, Mike being the "heart", Will crying, the ending that isn't an ending, the "distraction" for the bats how did they power the speakers and why did they even need to be playing "live" they could have used a walkman, Hopper shouldn't be able to walk, he had his ankle broken with a sledgehammer and walked barefoot through the snow, but barely an inconvenience, would have rather they ended on S3 as that actually felt somewhat closed and like an actual ending with some impact, S4 ending is just "ah **** here we go again"
There is a decent dance mix of Kate Bush, if you like that kinda stuff. :p

Sadly I listened to about 20 Metallica songs and only like master of puppets. :cry:
Placebo did a great cover of running up that hill.

i assume you checked out the earlier stuff and not the newer albums, everything after the black album is hot garbage.
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