Stranger Things (Netflix)

It can ONLY be Hopper surely - Joyce and Murray survived so there was no other American in the immediate vicinity who was unaccounted for. And his body was never shown, unlike the Russian scientists when the device blew up right at the start of episode 1.

I just think he’s too big a character for the writers to do a ‘Game of Thrones’ and kill him off ...

Well the fact the russians know all about this "upside down" and how to get into it suggests they got information from someone, 11's father was meant to have been killed in Vietnam so maybe they somehow got a hold of him and learned about it. It could very well be Hopper as we never seen him die, waiting game to find out.
Well that's season 3 done. What a huge disappointment after the incredible first 2 seasons.

Characters were totally different, overacted and far to stupid most of the time. Story direction was so poor, and the actual story telling was non existent. It didn’t explain anything from previous seasons instead went in a whole new direction and left me turning away for long periods, the plot didn’t work at all. For me, it’s gone from being a 10/10 totally engrossing viewing to a very poor 5/10 take it or leave it. I haven't gone into any specifics for obvious reasons but for me personally one of the biggest disappointments in tv I’ve had.
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It can ONLY be Hopper surely - Joyce and Murray survived so there was no other American in the immediate vicinity who was unaccounted for. And his body was never shown, unlike the Russian scientists when the device blew up right at the start of episode 1.

I just think he’s too big a character for the writers to do a ‘Game of Thrones’ and kill him off ...

My theory is he jumped through to the upside down world and the Russians have discovered a way to open it up their end and pulled him out. Needless to say the ending was very anti climatic compared to previous seasons.
We did the season in two lots of four and finished it last night.

Absolutely sensational television. In awe of this show and the fact that it’s three seasons in and the standard has remained at such a high level.

On an absolute high after that. Wow. Just tremendous.
I've got two episodes left. It's AWFUL. The worst possible direction they could have taken. Not sure i can bring myself to finish it.

Terrible acting at times and way too much Winona Ryder - if i have to watch her gurning, stupid, bug-eyed face any more...!! She can't do comedy, overacts in every scene and she has far too much screen time. The kids (bar perhaps the lad who plays Lucas) have gone from likeable, fun and entertaining to the opposite...and they cannot act. Mike is truely terrible on screen. And don't get me started on Erica.

The show has WAY too much 'comedy' in it. None of it is funny and just distracts you from any of their attempt to tell a story.

The story is junk, boring and just downright horrible. It's like they had a few key ideas and story beats and had to fill the rest with of up to make a season from it. Seriously horrible. The Russians...the underground bunker...urgh.

The back and forth between Jim and Joyce just never bloody stops. Even the scientist mate they go to see tells them it's too much and to stop....and they still don't!

Will scratching the back of his damn neck every 10 minutes. 11 shutting/opening a door with her mind for the 1000th time.

How did they get this season so very wrong. LIke someone said above...fist two seasons a solid 8 or 9. This is a 4 at best so far.
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I've got two episodes left. It's AWFUL. The worst possible direction they could have taken. Not sure i can bring myself to finish it.

Terrible acting at times and way too much Winona Ryder - if i have to watch her gurning, stupid, bug-eyed face any more...!! She can't do comedy, overacts in every scene and she has far too much screen time. The kids (bar perhaps the lad who plays Lucas) have gone from likeable, fun and entertaining to the opposite...and they cannot act. Mike is truely terrible on screen.

The show has WAY too much 'comedy' in it. None of it is funny and just distracts you from any of their attempt to tell a story.

The story is junk, boring and just downright horrible. It's like they had a few key ideas and story beats and had to fill the rest with of up to make a season from it. Seriously horrible. The Russians...the underground bunker...urgh.

The back and forth between Jim and Joyce just never bloody stops. Even the scientist mate they go to see tells them it's too much and to stop....and they still don't!

Will scratching the back of his damn neck every 10 minutes. 11 shutting/opening a door with her mind for the 1000th time.

How did they get this season so very wrong. LIke someone said above...fist two seasons a solid 8 or 9. This is a 4 at best so far.

I have to admit the Soviet Uniforms look terrible, fancy dress terrible. Was much better in Season 1 but i guess they have more budget this time but everything looks far too polished to almost being fake. Soviet Bunker could have been so much more sinister but had an Austin Powers vibe to it.
Just finished it and loved it from start to finish tbh. I expected a lot more from the big bad given that we'd sort of seen the thing in the previous season though. The season was quite comical though and whilst I enjoyed that I can see other folks didn't.
Final episode was the best one for sure. More 11 (who CAN act) and less comedy. I had to skip the....

AWFUL singing over the radio scene. NOOOOOOOO.

Also...Hopper escaped in to the upside down yeah?!
Finished s3 and the bigger budget made everything better, cinematography was improved and the CGI looked more impressive than some films of late. The newer pacing was better and no episode felt slow. When they did the flashback to them playing D&D in s1 it was surprising how much they've aged in a few years.

The hint in the mid credits scene can't be that obvious can it? Hopper jumped into the gap after the whole leave it 3 inch open for me being said for several episodes regarding the door.
Haha, I loved the singing. Did you watch until after the credits?

The Russians have him? Not sure how unless they are going in and out of the upsidedown and took him out...? Season 4 needs to improve a lot. I'm hoping this is the 'middle of a trilogy' version of TV shows...they'll be 5 seasons total and 3 will be the weak one. They must ditch the just doesn't work.

Finished s3 and the bigger budget made everything better, cinematography was improved and the CGI looked more impressive than some films of late. The newer pacing was better and no episode felt slow. When they did the flashback to them playing D&D in s1 it was surprising how much they've aged in a few years.

The hint in the mid credits scene can't be that obvious can it? Hopper jumped into the gap after the whole leave it 3 inch open for me being said for several episodes regarding the door.

It just felt so tired at that point...they seem to think interspersing humour in every dramatic scene or moment is a good thing. I felt my whole self shudder when it started...just too much for me.

Someone needs to do a fan edit of these 8 episodes in to 4 or 5!

Things i did like:

CGI. Billy. Eleven (at the end). Hopper. Robin (excellent). Steve and his banter with Dustin. The story beats that weren't ruined by too much crappy humour. Final epsoside in the mall was good.

I can see why Winona's career has almost faded in to oblivion. She's been the stand out worst part in all 3 seasons for me.
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I do not understand some of the hate in this thread. I thought season 3 was absolutely amazing and so did the other half. Haters guna hate I guess.
I watched the first four Saturday night and the last four Sunday night and loved every minute bring on seasons 4 & 5 I say :)
Final episode was the best one for sure. More 11 (who CAN act) and less comedy. I had to skip the....

AWFUL singing over the radio scene. NOOOOOOOO.

Also...Hopper escaped in to the upside down yeah?!

Absolute highlight of the whole season. Especially how it was set up as a "I Love You" moment given the tone of the season and Mike/Lucas having their relationship moments with Eleven and Max. For them to completely swerve it and have them sing the Neverending Story song? Absolute genius. Couldn't stop laughing. Loved it.
I watched it all in one sitting last night and enjoyed it overall.
I hope they don't pull off the same stunt that happened to 11 from S1-S2 where she was sent to upside-down with Hopper but I suppose it is possible.
Russians having a "American" could indicate Hopper or maybe even Murray, if it is Hopper and he survived then they have successfully opened another gate and found him.
Guy who portray the top russian security guard does a good job in being a T-800.
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