maddness (Bison) vs Richeh (Ken) 3 - 1
Richeh (Ken) vs maddness (Bison) 2 - 3
gg, I tried recording with my phone cam, I can safely say I have no way of recording a fight lol
confirmed, i kept trying to do an ultra and kept teleporting lol, im still not comfortable holding the stick properly, im using the 8 buttons as
lp, mp, hp and 3xp
lk, mk, kh and 3xk
the lp and lk are set on turbo enabled but i dont think i came too close to you to rapid punch and kick lol
i noticed the
lp and lk = throw
mp and mk = stun or whatever its called lol
hp and hp = taunt (personal)
3xp and 3xk = taunt (personal)
good intense games though, i feel like a proper noob now lol
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