Street Fighter 4: Champions League (PS3)

I had to make a quick exit as I was missing Eastenders, ggs though I need to fix some of Blankas combos I kept getting interrupted with SHORYUKEN!1 :(
Can anyone tell me how you actually embed a youtube movie within the thread?

Ta in advance.

I would prefer to embed them into the 2nd post in the thread. If you could paste the code for the video, the bit after, " "
If you still want to embed it yourself, in your post., then do the tags as {youtube}number{/youtube}
Where number is the code I asked for (and use square brackets where I used curlies).

Just played my remaining game against king-core

rp2000 (Akuma) 0 - 3 (Sagat) king-core

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Home: Whappers (ken) 0 vs 3 (blanka) Coldfox
Home: Coldfox (Blanka) 3 vs 0 (Ken) Whappers

GG mate, you do a lot of random shoryukens lol.
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