Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

I play Evil Ryu now anyway so I'm not salty about playing bottom tier characters. I am still amazed that the crippled a bottom 10 character so much though (DeeJay)!
I'm loving PC version except for where ranked is broken, I was playing some games with a new friend and our connections were incredible, had no issue teching throws and was hitting my overhead > every time. (except when I missed the plink :p) Also my video got featured on SRK, I am so hollywood now. :D

I'm not too sure where I sit on Dudley at the moment because he still has the same low footsie weakness he had in Super and AE but I will say his U1 is absolutely ridiculous and the rose is dirty, I'm still trying to get used to the new hitbox on and juggling with the new forward fierce. His stealth buffed EX short swing blow is very nice too, if you do it in the corner after baiting a throw you can get 500+ damage for one bar since it juggles into DP > U2 now.

I think Dudley can fight Yun very well too, it's extremely easy to anti air his divekicks so if Yun is the top tier to beat once again then I am glad I'm not using a character that gets stomped by him. I don't really feel like Yun is in his own tier like the Japanese players said a few months ago.

I like Hugo as well and have played him as a secondary but his input overlapping is very very very frustrating...still gotta love clap > fadc > 720 grab ultra :D
Haha it's a cool buff, although I have to say I think his overhead now giving hard knockdown is even better, I've been messing about with the following shenanigans lately:

The first one you can do a bit faster so it's more ambiguous, but those two combos if they eat the gimmick does over 700 damage and leads to 1000+ stun then they are prime for a second mixup. :eek:

My friend played me after so I could test some stuff, the fake cross under gimmick also catches people a lot and it can go all the way under, total 50/50.

Ah I love Dudley and now you can get hard knockdowns so often! It's gimmick central. ;)
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If he's turned into a vortex character then I expect Capcom to fix that eventually as they have really been trying to move away from that style of play recently (Seth, Akuma, Ibuki, Sakura changes etc).
Why isn't SFIV online like the Guilty Gear:

Cross platform play and multi game lobbies (8 player lobbies have 4 simultaneous games to minimise waiting) are great.
If he's turned into a vortex character then I expect Capcom to fix that eventually as they have really been trying to move away from that style of play recently (Seth, Akuma, Ibuki, Sakura changes etc).

He only really has cross under through ducking and uppercuts but can also do cross ups and fake cross ups, not quite that level of vortex but pretty tricky all the same.

The Guilty Gear stuff looks great, I was in a lobby with 7 people yesterday and it was torturous, especially when you lose to a 2 bar American and have to wait again. :o :p
Yeah I know what you mean Kreeeee, I can handle 3 person lobbies but any more than that and I get bored unless I'm a bit busy and have other stuff I can do while waiting.

I just got a cheap 360 today so if anyone wants to play some games when I get it set up let me know, will also be playing Third Strike. I have the USF4 bible on the way too since I was curious, it has a code for the digital version which will get updates too. :D
So I went on the 360 today, wow it felt really delayed in comparison to PC. I later discovered it's because I have been playing with vsync turned off which makes PC feel a lot faster (and imo better!!) than 360, so now I'm trying to adjust because 360 is kinda the standard, playing with vsync on the PC now.

I was really confused at first but adjusting bit by bit...

Anyway I discovered you can jab people after EX SSB in Ultra so I've used that for resets, this is basically what I do to people when they are stunned or the combo is scaled:

You can use it on any of his cross under/fake cross under gimmicks so it isn't corner only, caught a few people out with it already.

The scary thing is if you got a stun on the other person early and they already lost 400+ life, this reset basically is a guaranteed round ender for 1000 health characters and maybe more depending on how much meter you have.
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