Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

I'd say it's best to leave vsync OFF if you're going to be playing primarily on PC.

I find PC version with vsync ON has a little more input delay than the 360 version does on my TV, which is odd but PC with vsync OFF definitely has lowest delay... feels good.
Some interesting names there, I'm looking forward to seeing ImStillDaDaddy rage and threaten to beat people up again when he gets knocked out.
Ryan Hart to win easily? Not many Manchester names on there, wywywywywy, shinji, infexious, jiji are the few that come to mind. Also, no overmostheads.

Videos when they're available please... and GL Marge and Robbie!
Bit late but: brackets

Got knocked out by France & London but was good fun, just a hell of a long day.
Had quite a few tech problems which sucked.
Part of my bracket is getting redone because of miss reported scores.

Might pop down to London in September.
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I played so bad, I could have taken a game from Problem X but I dropped both bnbs twice in a row, against the other guy I almost won despite the drops but I was so disappointed. The guy I got knocked out by said "best Dudley in the UK, nah don't think so mate" or something (maybe I misheard) but thought that was lame because I was playing so much worse than the usual and he didn't even beat me by a large margin. :p

There were so many people hogging setups so it was hard to get warmed up before hand, I also stayed up all night and my games weren't until 2pm so I was quite exhausted but that shouldn't have resulted in so many dropped combos. :o Super annoyed my execution was so lacking! Guess it was the combination of no sleep and nerves. :)

Might go to the event in September, I don't mind getting knocked out but getting knocked out because I was dropping simple bnbs I always hit even online resulted in maximum salt. :p
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I played so bad, I could have taken a game from Problem X but I dropped both bnbs twice in a row, against the other guy I almost won despite the drops but I was so disappointed. The guy I got knocked out by said "best Dudley in the UK, nah don't think so mate" or something which I just thought was lame because I was playing so much worse than the usual. :( He didn't even beat me by a large margin so not sure why he felt the need to come out with that but eh.

There were so many people hogging setups so it was hard to get warmed up before hand, I also stayed up all night and my games weren't until 2pm so I was quite exhausted but that shouldn't have resulted in so many dropped combos. :o

Might go to the event in September, I don't mind getting knocked out but getting knocked out because I was dropping simple bnbs I always hit even online is a crazy case of salt!

Dropping b'nb's?! That's unlucky, maybe its playing too much online? Is there anybody you could play regularly offline with? Just a thought :)
Sounds like a pretty meh experience, glad I didn't go down.... I prefer to play plenty of people when I go to these things because otherwise I don't have an opportunity. People aren't ready for my Abel anyway.
Dropping b'nb's?! That's unlucky, maybe its playing too much online? Is there anybody you could play regularly offline with? Just a thought :)

Nah it wasn't online because I spend plenty of time just in training messing around, I went back online and training today and was dropping a lot, I think my joystick has came loose because it feels weird, gonna open it up tomorrow and have a look.

I noticed this a few days ago but it seems worse now because the stick is hitting the gate or churning against something.

edit: I opened it up and yep it was grinding against something because there's a lot of 'dust' that has came from the stick hitting the gate, I remounted it and it feels better...makes sense too because the problems I was having with combos were all related to going back to neutral from crouching or using a forward attack like f+mk into Serves me right for being too lazy to open it up and investigate sooner. :o
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