Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

first of i played adz like 3 times in the 5-6 years of sf4 so god knows how the heck you remember these things. i dont know why i let him do those sweeps neither. i didnt let jimbeam do it, neither did ruben or art. so it must be something that adz does that puts me off.
Haha Kreeeee knows the script. Seriously though I did reasonably well against Art, Rash, and Hyv and i feel like I'm playing with a badly nerfed Ryu. His doesn't seem to have any range on it, after 2 jabs it misses. The set above was won before it started, I have the psychological edge over Hyv after all those sf4 battles, he crumbles under the pressure. Kreeeee you're next! ;)

I got a few games in with elrasho as well, let's just say he misses Abel, BADLY!
I keep changing my mind about which character I want to use, keep swapping between bison sim and Ryu , I've found you have to be patient in this game and timing is everything , mines terrible I end up blocking but then trying to throw jabs or in and I always get punished , then I'll just start bashing buttons trying to get myself out of the corner and it's the wrong thing to do haha I'm gonna need to sink a lot of time into this before I'm any good
Surprised Elrasho didn't pick laura, vskill is as close to a wheel kick as you're going to get atm, dash in command throw is just as cheap as tornado throw.
No roll though, I guess that is why you went Rashido, Elrasho??

Want to see how you get on against Cammy Adz?
The set above was won before it started, I have the psychological edge over Hyv after all those sf4 battles, he crumbles under the pressure.

sadly thats very true. i have always been a choker. the fear of losing to you was too much for me, even when i was ahead. missed combos and dropped punishes all day

i am in the middle to switching characters. despite owning bronze noobs with laura i dont really like a lot of the all in aspec with the character, which is really all she does. the only thing i like was the marvel style mixup after the ex fireball juggle and the explosiveness of the v-trigger combo plus high stun.

i havent won that many games against art nowaday with her compare to when i started. since he figured out my frame trap and throw pattern and you can quick get up from everything so i can only go the meatys. ironically he think i am better with ryu which is not something i am sure about because i dont play fireball characters, especially shotos.

i might try necalli or whatever comes out thats good.
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Hyv, I think if you didn't take our games as seriously you'd do better. You're technically much better at the game than me but because you're more bothered about losing than I am, it gives me that slight edge.

If you know any Ryu stuff I'd appreciate it if you used him next time just to give me some ideas :)
Hyv, I think if you didn't take our games as seriously you'd do better. You're technically much better at the game than me but because you're more bothered about losing than I am, it gives me that slight edge.

If you know any Ryu stuff I'd appreciate it if you used him next time just to give me some ideas :)

yeah everytime i tried to win, i lose. but when i dont care anymore, i win much more lol. what kind of stuff you want to know? combos? set ups?

anyway you need to use your stand mp more. thats you combo starter button and has good range and frame advantage. it links into itself,, or cr.hp. you have to be point blank for the cr.hp though.

your best punish for a whiff/blocked dp is (it will crush counter so they will spin around),, into dp.

your basic v-trigger combo would or f.hp, cr.hp cancel into v-trigger,, into dp. this combo does mad damage and stun.

one to note about the v-trigger is ryu's super will guard break in v-trigger. so you can set up a massive punish. also you can cancel the sweep into v-trigger to remain safe and if it counter hits you can time a free full charged fireball for a free guard break combo.

also ryu's super does stun for some reason. use it in a combo to dizzy people
nope still cant get into this. Its just too shallow, those who say its deep are brainwashed by the hype.

edit: and 3/5 games are laggy
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This game (SF5) is un-****ing-believably terrible. How can Capcom put this **** out in this state? And this is coming from an idiot who bought a £150 fightstick to play it, so if it should appeal to anyone it should appeal to me.

I mean, Battle Lounges are for maximum 2 people, and when you search for one it doesn't tell you either the connection quality or the country of origin (unless you wait for ~5 mins, by which time the lobby is already taken). And Training mode doesn't even save your settings? WTF?
I've been playing for the last 2 hours and its been fine. Fight stick good although it is taking some time to get used to it.

A lot better the quick shuffle forward when playing Ryu
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