Struggling to keep interest

Experiencing something similar. Used to be an MMO fiend, but these days I seem to be just content with Baldur's Gate 2 or Hearthstone, both played from Ipad.

I really like Heroes of the Storm and still have it installed, but haven't logged in since November I think, just don't have the energy to play it.
I try to switch between genres to keep games fresh.

Just picked up a PS4 to try some of the exclusives and am currently playing Heavy Rain, alongside Pillars of Eternity on PC
I was like that, It's down to the game I think.

Example: I was logging into The Division doing the dailies and logging off say 45 min a day.

I've put that down and gone back to GW2 and I'm now finding myself spending 4 - 5 hours a night on there and enjoying myself a lot more. This weekend I must have put 15 hours in and didn't feel bored at all.
I do play a lot less "story driven" games than I used too which require more investment. I tend to play those you can stop and start easier such as RTS games and even dota where it's short(ish) games with a goal then you can move on.

FPS, large story driven games, single player games I hardly ever play nowadays as I can't be bothered with the investment in them. I acknowledge the irony as a real RTS can take a lot more investment but I find them easier to stop start than other games.
Since having kids time is short and gaming feels largely wasteful. Tried to get through Witcher 3 but short infrequent spells just doesn't work as I can't get involved in it. Rocket league is good though, quick bursts on that are awesome.
I lost interest in quite a lot of gamers, and being a streamer that's a bad thing. Luckily Overwatch is coming out and I was in the closed beta for it - and it's so much fun. Feels familiar, I get kill satisfaction.
As you get older you gain and lose interest in things this is natural. I used to follow and play cricket but don't really bother at all now, I now to the gym everyday but I didn't go at all a couple of years ago.
Seems to be a growing trend then as I've been the same.. I normally complete 4 or 5 games in a year, this year i've struggled registering 15 hours.. I had a blast at fallout the other night and have to say, i've not really missed anything.
For me it's definitely phases. These depend a lot on mood but also on technology. If there is a new a great game I want, such as Doom, then I will rekindle my playing. Elite Dangerous had me hooked for quite a while but mostly I dip in and out of games. Getting the Gear VR made a big impact on me so I as planning to get Oculus Rift in the next year or two, when the prices and games start to make it more worth while. I expect that will explode in the next year or so and a massive resurgence to PC gaming will occur.
Same - I lost interest in single player games a long time ago. I only play games that have multiplayer PvP, but the golden days for those games have long gone.
I too am a jaded gamer. I have so many well received games in my Steam library that I've got nowhere with. I'll load one up and the tutorial will tell me to click on the troop menu, then click to build a tank. Then click on the tank and move it to the enemy troop. Next click on another menu to view the map. All I end up doing is clicking on 'exit to desktop', are you sure? 'Yes'. I simply can't be bothered with spending more than two minutes learning a game sufficiently to play it any more. Even the tiniest of irritations has me exiting to desktop when in the past I'd have persevered.
I'm exactly the same these days :(

Mixture of two things for me. Tend to spend time doing things with the Mrs these days. Also, despite hardware being massively more powerful, there is next to no creativity or addictiveness in today's games :( I'm just not interested in most modern games. They all seem to be aimed at todays youth with endless COD games which i despise. Having a blast with the new doom game though :)
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I'm the exact same. In fact I think the only game I've played for more than a couple of hours this year is Xcom 2.

Gaming used to take up the entirety of my free time but now I can never quite get into the mood for it.
Pretty much agree but thats because most AAA games these days treat the gamer like its a lifestyle rather than a hobby which is exactly all it is for me. I get around 10 hours a week max to game and playing games like Witcher or GTAV just are not conducive to short burst gamers such as myself.

As far as I see the unlock systems, XP requirements and stupid leveling garbage are only there in most games to lengthen the playtime rather then actually enhance it. I liked he look of ARK until I found out how long it took just to tame a sodding dinosaur which was just ridiculous. Then you get crap like The Division which looked great but turns out it's just sink your existence into it, grind, rinse, repeat for pointless loot and no end game.
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I already got like this several years ago. I used to be a pretty heavy gamer, but nowadays all I ever do is fire up Killing Floor 2 for a game or two and then stop. I might do it again after a few hours, but I rarely ever have several-hour sessions anymore.

Overwatch did change that somewhat as I did enjoy it quite a bit. As a consqeuence I also fired up TF2 for the first time in months and played a few games which I enjoyed too. I just loathe what it's become with all the ridiculous hats and cosmetics utterly ruining the original art direction.

I think part of the reason though is because my rig is awful by today's standards. Q6600, 4GB RAM and a 460. I'm looking to upgrade sometime this year, so maybe that will relight my interest.
Going to be 34 next month and I was the same until I got into Grim Dawn, now I can't seem to get myself off it.
I too am a jaded gamer. I have so many well received games in my Steam library that I've got nowhere with. I'll load one up and the tutorial will tell me to click on the troop menu, then click to build a tank. Then click on the tank and move it to the enemy troop. Next click on another menu to view the map. All I end up doing is clicking on 'exit to desktop', are you sure? 'Yes'. I simply can't be bothered with spending more than two minutes learning a game sufficiently to play it any more. Even the tiniest of irritations has me exiting to desktop when in the past I'd have persevered.

I think that's the single biggest problem with gamers today. They simply cannot be bothered to invest any time, effort or patience into it.
I simply can't be bothered with spending more than two minutes learning a game sufficiently to play it any more. Even the tiniest of irritations has me exiting to desktop when in the past I'd have persevered.

I think that's the single biggest problem with gamers today. They simply cannot be bothered to invest any time, effort or patience into it.

I also think playing games has become 'collecting games' or basically just 'shopping', some have dozens of games they'll never play more than once.
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