Struggling to keep interest

Picked up Wolfenstein on offer yesterday and I must admit, it's much better than I expected, most of the videos don't do it justice.

Not sure it's something I'll play and play over again once complete though, it feels like a typical 'play through' style shooter.
I don't game that much anymore and I can't bring myself to play new games. When I get on the PC I do d myself playing Age Of Empires 2 or an old Thief game. I play them because I don't have to learn them and can get stuck right away and there fun, but it's a waste of an i5 3570k and a GTX670 that are all water-cooled.
As you get older you will find this , I currently in my 30s now and use too play games all weekend and 6pm until 2am most week days but since I hit 30 a few years ago now I struggle to even keep my eyes open past midnight lol , I play games now for maybe a few hours max and I must admit I get bored very quickly , I pretty much own all the new releases but non of them I have completed because of my attention span to them just doesn't last
I struggle too... it's like phones and reddit have ruined me. I am addicted to the constant stream of instantly gratifying information, which honestly sucks. The brain wants something new every second, so when I have to sit and concentrate on a cut-scene or something it can't handle it. I can barely watch game of thrones without doing some idle crap on second monitor :/

I think it's time for a technology detox week or something

I think you have summed up the problem. I can't sit and watch anything or play anything without skimming the forums on my laptop or browsing facebook. It's A.D.D. to the max!!

Somebody else in the thread suggested that more discipline is needed, to just play the one game until finished. I think that's a good idea.

But your idea is good, too, a complete break from tech would be a good thing. A detox sounds wonderful, but I wonder if I have the will power to actually do it..
This is my current Steam library, some of these may be ones that have come in humble bundles etc so not all are "my type" of game so to speak, anything there jump out as being a must play?


Pick a game totally different to what you would normally play. Looking through your games list, I would suggest you try one of the following :-

Faster than light,
Kerbal Space program
Prison Architect.

These are easy to get into games, can be completed in lots of different ways and are very addictive.

Another suggestion is to try and play a game from your past that you really liked. Out of pure boredom I started playing half life 2 a few weeks ago and have been playing it ever since.

It's something worth trying.
Fifa 16 has to be one of the worst football games created. It feels like an early access game with the laggy experience nearly every game. How can EA not fix this or at least check peoples connections before the game starts.
Fifa 16 has to be one of the worst football games created. It feels like an early access game with the laggy experience nearly every game. How can EA not fix this or at least check peoples connections before the game starts.

Lol spilled my tea reading this. So random. :D
I think you have summed up the problem. I can't sit and watch anything or play anything without skimming the forums on my laptop or browsing facebook. It's A.D.D. to the max!!

Somebody else in the thread suggested that more discipline is needed, to just play the one game until finished. I think that's a good idea.

But your idea is good, too, a complete break from tech would be a good thing. A detox sounds wonderful, but I wonder if I have the will power to actually do it..

Fortunately I don't suffer from this, I don't do any form of social media and I don't use my phone for internet, it literally spends all day in the glove box of my van whilst I'm at work.

In fact I left it in my van on Friday afternoon when I got home and I couldn't be bothered to go fetch it out all weekend :D

I can still watch films and shows, sit and listen to whole albums as always, but for some reason gaming isn't one of them.
When I get engrossed in a decent open world RPG I can plough hours and hours into it. Games like the Stalker series, Fallouts, Skyrim and most recently the Witcher 3. I can spend hours just exploring the beautiful worlds they have created.
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hmm now that I've got my ultrawide monitor I've had a lust for going and playing the old games I never got through the first time around.

Not having a second monitor with distractions really helps.

I've literally spend a good 15 + hours on fallout over the weekend.

I had fun :)
I found when I played a lot of online fps games my interest in single player games waned considerably. I don't play online PvP fps games anymore and try to restrict the other online games I play. I found my interest in SP games came back

It also helps if they are great games like dark souls 3. Another thing that rekindled gaming is VR. It felt like playing a different type of entertainment not just gaming on a screen. Nowadays I'm a bit hooked on stardew valley playing on a projector. Madly addictive game that is.
I found when I played a lot of online fps games my interest in single player games waned considerably. I don't play online PvP fps games anymore and try to restrict the other online games I play. I found my interest in SP games came back

It also helps if they are great games like dark souls 3. Another thing that rekindled gaming is VR. It felt like playing a different type of entertainment not just gaming on a screen. Nowadays I'm a bit hooked on stardew valley playing on a projector. Madly addictive game that is.

I love stardew valley, it's one of those 'Just 5 more minutes...' kind of games
I'm in the same boat a bit at the moment. I think it's a two pronged reason for me - 1. a simple fact of getting older, and 2. the fact that it's just not 'new' anymore and there are no really different innovative games. So I can blame myself/life, and lazy game Devs.

I was hoping VR might bring a a sea change, as a technology leap can bring new experience. But, I feel a bit meh about that really too. Just mild interest, whereas if I was younger I think I would be properly, properly excited.
I have certainly become less involved with gaming of late. I used to game for 3-4 hours a night in the week and all day Saturday but now I am lucky if I can get in a couple of hours a week. Saturday was a rare treat for me as I spent 10hrs playing on my PS4.

Several reasons really, and the primary one is that my other half is now at home a lot more, and she isn't a fan of gaming (having said that we spent all night playing snooker on the PS4 last night! :p ). So I am spending more time with her. Also - house duties need doing and we have been decorating and sorting the garden out too.

I have a fairly well specced gaming PC upstairs that is gathering dust. I can't remember the last time I actually used it to play a game - but I do know the game I played was Tribes Ascend.

Now I tend to game exclusively on my PS4 and I tend to play games I can jump in and out of and have a quick blast simply because I no longer have the time to invest in long winded story driven titles. I have got so far into the Witcher 3 for example, but the breaks between gaming sessions for me can be as long as 3 weeks so it makes it hard to remain involved with a story, or in some cases even remember what I was doing or even what the controls are! :eek:

I think the other thing I feel is worthy of mention is the fact I have been gaming for over 20 years now and I feel like I have seen it all in that time. I think it is fair to say that the jumps in gameplay development we saw in the 90's and noughties are a thing of the past and with the prevelance of recycled titles year after year to milk the market there is also a distinct lack of originality in gaming these days. Very few developers are actually doing anything new or pushing the boundaries. Almost every release is a sequel or a remake of some description within a franchise brand. Then there is part finished games being released in a broken state and the greed of the publishers who insist on season passes and DLC to further milk the market. Games these days are generally not developed to last either. They want more of your money in a years time for essentially the same game but with a change of location, or time period, or with some extra modes or slightly tweaked graphics. Call of Duty games are synonymous with that kind of marketing strategy, as are the Assassins Creed titles to name but two.

All in all it makes me a little fed up with gaming in general, and that is not to mention the totally hacked out multiplayer experience on PC which is now a multi-million dollar industry in and of itself which is a damning indictment of the PC gaming community and the developers in my view. In 2016 hacking in online games should not be possible. I am sure there must be a way to achieve it so why hasn't it been done?

The other thing to consider is that perhaps you have just become bored of gaming full stop? I know it happens. Gaming isn't always a hobby for life and many people drift away from it to do other things.

I still enjoy gaming, but I also find that I will turn my PS4 on and realise that I can't actually be bothered to play anything. I think that boredom or lack of interest stems from the been there done that got the t-shirt position I find myself in.

But also I am increasingly questioning my life in general I guess as well. I ask myself - if I had a terminal illness, would I be happy with how I have lived my life? Or would I see the endless hours spent on games set in imaginary worlds playing as imaginary characters as missed opportunites to actually live and enjoy real life? Getting wound up at hackers, or putting in so much effort into getting better at a game that I sit in a room with the curtains closed while there is sunshine and fresh air to be had outside. Have I wasted a large amount of time in my life? I can't help but feel like I have. True, I enjoyed all of those hours playing games but I often wonder what I would be doing and where I would be if I had invested that time and effort into something else.
Pick a game totally different to what you would normally play. Looking through your games list, I would suggest you try one of the following :-

Faster than light,
Kerbal Space program
Prison Architect.

+1 on Kerbal Space Program. I've been getting bored with gaming lately too and I've got countless games unfinished. I'm currently playing Doom (I've always loved twitch shooters) but the one game I keep going back to is KSP. You can mess about just building stuff to explode hilariously, set yourself goals like landing on the moon/orbital rendezvous etc or mod the game in eleventy billion different ways, including realism mods if you like things to be hard mode. I've clocked up hundreds of hours in KSP and I've barely scratched the surface with it.
But also I am increasingly questioning my life in general I guess as well. I ask myself - if I had a terminal illness, would I be happy with how I have lived my life? Or would I see the endless hours spent on games set in imaginary worlds playing as imaginary characters as missed opportunites to actually live and enjoy real life? Getting wound up at hackers, or putting in so much effort into getting better at a game that I sit in a room with the curtains closed while there is sunshine and fresh air to be had outside. Have I wasted a large amount of time in my life? I can't help but feel like I have. True, I enjoyed all of those hours playing games but I often wonder what I would be doing and where I would be if I had invested that time and effort into something else.

It's all about the pursuit of happiness mate. We fill the spare time we have with things we enjoy doing. If that is playing games then that is absolutely fine. Sunshine and fresh air is nice and all well and good but would it make you happy for hours on end every day? Probably not... If you weren't content and enjoying yourself spending all that time gaming you would have found something else that did. No regrets dude.
same boat. just getting old (32) and spending free evenings in a different way i guess.

Though i still get out the old snes on getting stupid nights with mates ;p Gotta love mario kart and super mario ;)
Anyone else not able to play for very long any more? I used to enjoy the long drawn out process of involved games, but now I can barely play for an hour before just switching it off.

I used to enjoy building up careers in things like driving games, now I'll just fire it up and maybe drive a couple of laps of a track in an open session and then turn it off, sometimes I even close the game before I've even played it, bored even with the thought of it.

It's a shame because when I was poor and playing a lot of games I would have killed for a system I have now, now I have it and I can't be bothered to use it :(

More often than not I find myself either frustrated or annoyed or both. I'm much less tolerant of repetitive games too. Or games with glaring flaws. I think that's a consequence of a much more crowded gaming market. I'm sure there are still a few gems out there to uncover, but there's a lot more OK, average, and awful games to wade through :p

Another consequence is that I mostly I like short and sweet games these days. Give me a great experience, a solid soundtrack, an interesting premise, or go home :p And even then would have to be something really special to warrant sinking tens of hours into it.

Am I more discerning? Possibly. But I still think I grew up in a golden era of gaming, where everybody was experimenting. Where today spiralling costs mean more companies like to play it safe.

Anything that's just 100% eye-candy is boycotted too :p Think I'm just old, bitter, twisted and cynical. Like all good old people :p
I have dry spells. I don't game for ages then I find myself really missing it and play a lot for a few weeks/months then not gaming again.

As much as I enjoy gaming it's for this reason I specifically will not drop a shed load of money on a gaming rig.
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