STS-135 - The Final Space Shuttle Mission

what are the chances that if obama doesnt get re-elected and the reps get to the white house, that they fund the shuttle/us space program again ?
Well, T...t...t...that's all folks. America may have won some battles, but they have lost the space race - to Russia, China, and possibly India. The shuttle programme is on life support with 30 days of life left.

Never mind the fabled heavy-lift rockets and MPCVs - the US has a $1.5tn budget hole to fill and NASA is now a much easier target. There will be cuts ahead.

It was glorious and fun, while it lasted.

We will have commercial LEO craft, but it won't be even close to the same - there is only one that can do razamatazz like NASA, and that's NASA. Just look at Arianespace if you need an example (SpaceX aren't ones for PR, either).

PS - I doubt even Obama can or will keep the wolf from the door.
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Now i know most press conferences are boring repetitions of the same questions over and over, but this is definitely worth a watch:

And when he says "We'll probably go out for a nice meal somewhere." We all know he really means "We're going to get absolutely plastered." ;)
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My video from the launch, not great but I was too busy watching it :p and for some reason my D90 kept turning off LiveView every 30 seconds, first time its ever done that and has not done it since :( ah well.

Looking at some of the other vids they got a better view from the bridge, no cloud obstruction there...
A tribute to Atlantis:



The beginning on Oct 3rd 1985 and the end on July 21, 2011.
I wonder... how many of us are astronomers? Could we start an 'official' thread?

I suspect there's lots of amateur astronomers on these forums, I've been into astronomy all my life and have just recently got in to deep space astrophotography.

Anyhow I would also like to thank simulatorman for his shuttle threads and the constant updates, very much appreciated. :)
I missed that channel 4 one. But in 10 minutes, at 9pm, BBC2 is showing 'Space Shuttle: The Final mission'

"As NASA prepares to draw its shuttle curtain, Kevin Fong is granted extraordinary access to the astronauts and ground crew as they prepare for their final mission. As well as being in mission control as the astronauts go through their final launch simulation and flying with the last shuttle commander as he undertakes his last practice landing flight, Kevin gains privileged access to the shuttle itself."
Won't most of them get jobs in the private space sector.
Working on the shuttle replacement get other projects. Can you get better credentials.
Waking up on a monday morning is never going to be the same though is it ?

The pride they must get from working on the space shuttle just won't be found anywhere else.

Where's he going to work now, in aerospace i would assume, either military or civial aviation.
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